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Another Mutt Restoration

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:41 am
by painterjohn
So.. Since finding this site i have gotten many many ideas for what i want to do with my ol FZR project.
It was a free bike a couple weeks ago, neglected and forgotten.. It now runs and is well on its way to being a cool bike again.
After seeing the R6 mods on here I am collecting parts for this mod!
Found a bunch of running gear stuff (wheels, swinging arm, shock, brakes) from an 03 R6, need forks and tripples, Found 916 lowers and race upper W/ a street upper and windscreen.
Cant decide on the tail section.. im making a plug for one that kinda looks like a cross between a Honda RC51 and late 96-99 GSXR.
If anyone has a cool race tail let me know.
I am now looking for a yzf600 tank.. but im also thinking about modifying a newer CBR 600-1000 tank cover to fit...
Ive got some pics but they arent much.. crap taken with my cell
How i got it.. broken and ignored
My Future Endurance teammate peekin her head in to the pic lol
I like the giant mud dobber nests all over the bike.. i wish i could find the Yamaha part numbers for these
But they cleaned up ok i guess, havent pulled them out yet wanna make sure it will atleast turn over first
New tail section underconstruction Patented "What the Hell is That(r)" style!
Playin around with ride height put some shorter dog bones on i had laying around from a GSXR
I think its a little too high, but what ever gave me something to do while it was too crappy to paint a plane
flipped clip ons to under the upper.. this is pretty much just VP (Visual Progress)

Re: Another Mutt Restoration

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 8:14 pm
by painterjohn
yeah i saw that in the wiki thing.. I just came across some YZF parts for 200 bucks.. Wheels brakes shock and swing arm.. So im gonna pick that up in the AM, just need forks, triples and bars and i think ill be done with those mods. I think cutting all that frame out will make the CMRA tech inspectors very sketchy... after all this will be a track bike and i would like to pass tech as easily as possible,

Re: Another Mutt Restoration

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:30 pm
by shredex
that slip-on with r6 headers makes for super nice low-end power.
anytime i wanted to do wheelies i would throw on the scorpian and it would pull right up