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3HE-4JH carb differences
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:52 pm
by Yamster
I have taken some carbs off a(i presumed)3HE engine and the cable mounts differ to every 3HE carb i have ever seen,could anyone enlighten me to if there 4JH carbs,here they are

Normally they have only one mount for a cable with bolts on,but these have two,next pic is the same as every 3HE carb i have ever seen

if any one can give me any pointers,i would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance

Re: 3HE-4JH carb differences
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:18 pm
by cad600
Those are not 4JH carbs. They are 32mm Mikuni carbs probably from a FZR600 (3HE).
One other way to tell is by the size and manufacturer of the carbs.
The FZR400 (1WG) use 32mm Mikuni carbs w/ a gold colored diaphram cap.
The FZR400 (3EN & 3TJ) and FZR600 use a 32mm Mikuni
YZF600R (FZR600R Foxeye) uses a 34mm Keihin
The YZF600 (Thundercat) uses a 36mm Keihin
Some 400RRSP models had Keihin flat side carbs for racing.
Re: 3HE-4JH carb differences
Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:02 pm
by fzrbrandon
Yeah, what Cad said. They are both probably 3HE 600 carbs. I actually bought an extra set a while back from someone who said they were off a '92 (mine's also a '92) because I needed the throttle bell crank from carb #3. When I got them, I noticed this VERY same difference that you're seeing. A little investigation uncovered a little know fact that at some point during the '92 model year run, the throttle bell crank design changed. Check out these two links:
'92 - ... 2&fveh=476
'93 - ... 3&fveh=533
Look specifically at cable part #11. You'll notice that '92 cable uses the 3EN prefix and '93 uses 3HE. The style where the cable does NOT actually get tightened down by the nuts, but rather by just slipping into the socket on the crank, is the older style (3EN). The new style (3HE) has both cables tightened to the crank via hex nuts. Also note that the "older" (i.e. '88 - '90) 1WG FZR400 also uses this "slip-in" style.
Re: 3HE-4JH carb differences
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:55 pm
by Yamster
Is it not cable #10 though that should have been changed for the different 3HE carbs that i have though Brandon?Cable #11(en&he)could be used on both sets of carbs that i have-yes?
By(or should that be"buy")they like to keep you on your toes do Yamaha.
I am just glad there 3HE carbs,they will always come in for spares.