Those who've been following my progress know that work is progressing well on project Never Satisfied, and I'm on course for a late spring completion.
My thoughts are now turning to my next build. I'll probably use an FZR600, or maybe a 400, as a base. I'm thinking of an early 90's GP replica, make it look somewhat like this:
First one floats my boat FB,there is a guy in Leeds who has done the same colour scheme on a 3HE,looks very RD500.I think that will be a crowd puller .
I like the first one also (with a 400 frame of course!). A couple guys have done similar projects and they've turned out great. One was Ninjamuder (Critical Mass Racing) over on the Archives (did a 600 Rainey tribute). I tried looking up his site to post a link but it'e no longer. Another one is Chaosexpanding (also on the Archives). He did a 400. Check it out here: