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My Build with SPYDERS fire breathing engine

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:36 pm
by China_Racer_1
I had a cold day at the track last weekend and wanted to post this here to give Credit to Spyder for his engine build.

here are some pics and a sound bite. the vid quality is for shit but the sound is right there.

I was pulling my buddies CBR100RR superbike out of the corners form 1st, 2nd and most of 3rd gear before he could start to reel me in. He was humbled and pissed as he had 400cc more than me he he he.

So a big thanks and kudos to Spyder for the engine and everyone else her for all the massive amoutn of help I have been given on this project.

FYI Bmiller sold me the carbs - I did nothing more than bolt them on. Wait until spring when I tune the thing up ha ha ha I never synced the carbs or touched the jetting

Track map - Shanghai F1 Circuit

Everyone getting checked in for the event.

on pit row freezing my ass off - getting ready to go out.

on the line ready to get busy. -1 Celcius is cold as shit!

Setting up for T1

In T1 - Normally I would be dragging around here but its too cold for that. we just hoped we would get through each turn we went from 85 C on our tires (From teh tire warmers) to 29 C when we returned to the pit.

T6 Bit the Ducati

Fred and me on the front straight at about 130 MPH

Me on the right passing the touring type BMW's that were there

Coming back in and glad I did not crash out.

Here is a sound bite of us out there.
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I know the quality is shit but we dumbed it down to make it small enought o post.

I am from 0-23......@ about 52.. @ about 1:15.... at about 1:35.... At 2:16 my race partner Fred zips by and a bit later at 2:24 I follow him

Oh crap tinypic does not have a counter that I can see. well I am on the black bike with a white helmet if you can make it out.

Re: My Build with SPYDERS fire breathing engine

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 7:35 pm
by China_Racer_1
95FZR600 wrote:Great pics on a cold day! Did you warm up quick?
No it was so cold that at the end o fa 30 mnute session I could hardly feel my right two fingers that wre holding the brake lever.

I went home and stood in the hot shower for 30 mimtes to thaw out. ha ha but it was worth it.

Re: My Build with SPYDERS fire breathing engine

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:29 pm
by China_Racer_1
My race Partner, Fred, just sent me this. Its the two of us on the front straight at Shanghai F1 circuit.

I am in the front he is right behind.

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Re: My Build with SPYDERS fire breathing engine

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2009 12:44 am
by shredex
That track looks awesome!

Re: My Build with SPYDERS fire breathing engine

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:46 am
by China_Racer_1
Here is another short clip.

I am in front. Race partner Fred right behind.

He is filming me with his Go Pro Camera. We are doing about 130 mph when we pass th camera.

This bike is so much fun. It handles gret and pulls your arms out of socket when you hammer the throtle. and yet its all very controlable. I love it!

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Re: My Build with SPYDERS fire breathing engine

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:18 am
by Yamster
Love it,as poor as you say the sound bite is-still made the hair on my neck stand up :)
Looks like a fair track as well.
Going to have to book cadwell again! :thumbsup: