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what do i do?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:00 pm
by meanGr33n
i have said this a couple times already.i dont know anything about bikes. i need to drain my tank before the winter hits. is there an easy way? hints and suggestions please. am i posting in the right area for this stuff?

Re: what do i do?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:26 pm
by meanGr33n
thanx man. ill try to get that done and post some pics tomorrow.

Re: what do i do?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:10 pm
by reelrazor
Myself, living in a northern tier state as well (northern Michigan)..I WOULDN'T drain the tank for winter.

I'd get some Sta-Bil fuel stabiliser, add it at the recommended rate and then top it up with fresh mid-grade gasoline. Do an oil change immediately on returning home from the gas station(while hot). Then, disconnect the battery and put it indoors (or put it on a battery tender). Put the bike up on stands if possible and tape up the intake snout and exhaust to keep the critters out.

But, if you are going to be working on it all winter, I'd just do teh Sta-Bil and oil change thing,

Re: what do i do?

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:17 am
by WSM
I'm parking mine indoors all winter, in a heated basement, so I am about to drain the tank tomorrow too.
I ran Sta-Bil through it, shut off the fuel and waited for it to die. Tomorrow I'll be removing/draining the tank and draining each carb. Please do post up any tips to have, and I'll do the same.
Here is a good check list to follow:
viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2240&p=24171&hilit= ... ger#p24171
Night Train's response on this MSG Forum is very useful too: ... C_ID=10965

Quick question: I changed the oil about a month ago when the temps first dropped and I was planning to park it. The weather was just too nice last weekend and I took it out for a quick 200 mile spin... any reason I should worry about the condition of the oil?

Re: what do i do?

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:35 pm
by yamaha_george
I would not drain the tank unless you like it to have fine rust for the spring, Stabiliser + fill to the brim is best. DO DRAIN the carbs, either manually or by running the engine till it dies ( PETCOCK OFF )