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BAM Clothing Report

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:28 am
by China_Racer_1
The B.A.M. Report

I was tuned into B.A.M via a member on the FZR post – Yamaha George so he gets the credit for this find.
BAM makes under garments for sports activities.

George suggested a good base for cooler weather due to its good properties of wicking away ones sweat.
I wrote to Dave and we have a several emails back and forth regarding the product and if it might be right for racers.
I received a set from Dave and used them in this past weekends race.

I was in the 6th annual "Shanghai Festival of Speed and Culture" this past weekend.


I was going to use them just for practice but I opted for using them on Race day to see how they would hold up.
I generally put on my leathers in the AM practice and leave them on All day. Not sure why but I guess I am just too lazy to take them off.
So all day I am in hot leathers.

I noticed with the poly mesh I am sweating hard in the legs. Upper body is usually not an issue because I half take off the leathers if it’s too hot so the top half can at least cool off.
This day the temps were a bit brisk though in the after noon it warmed up.

Morning rain in practice afternoon heat gave me a good idea how they reacted in both weather conditions.
I went out n morning practice with them on and never once felt uncomfortable hot or cold I seemed to feel just right.
In the afternoon at 1:00 Pm we got on the grid and ran a 12 lap race.

I came in, and again, all race I never felt drastically hot. I actually again felt quite comfortable. I know I generally concentrate on racing but there have been many a time I was just so hot out there pushing it that it distracted me from the race. I did not have that feeling with BAM products on.

I seemed to have a regulated body temperature that, while elevated due to the physical exertion, never really overheated.
Now of course I was hot and who would not be. All I can say is I was not overheated which was a big concern of mine. Being a fabric not a mesh.

However when I took the leathers off at the end of the day I was surprised at how dry I was. Sure I had sweat a bit and the day was long and hot but standing in the paddock area with no leathers and just the BAM garments on the cool breeze quickly dried up any wetness and I felt instantly cooled off. I don’t get that so much with the poly mesh under garments.

Any quite frankly they are very soft and feel good against the skin more so than the poly mesh.


Directly after the race I posed with a Ducati model I can be seen wearing the bam T-shirt which I had on for the race.
I went home and washed the undergarments with no shrinking issues and they are ready to go again. If there were any washing instructions I ignored them and tossed them in with the darks like every other piece of clothing I had for that load.
They held up.

I figured most people never pay attention to washing instructions anyway so why not see what happens if I wash them like I would everything else. No issue.
Stitching is very good and I saw no diminished result from wearing them all day at the race or washing them in a normal load of laundry.

I have to give this product a thumbs up and will ok forward to buying a few more of their products.

If you buy form them now they are giving riders a 20% discount using the code Motorcycle when it prompts you for a promo code.

Re: BAM Clothing Report

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:40 am
by yamaha_george
Whilst I no longer race I had to go visit a brother who lives "behind God's Back" and the round trip is about 360 odd miles
I normally use a T shirt & cotton long johns if it looks like being rainy or cold & to not offend my hosts shower & change my clothes immediately on arrival.

This trip I rode in my BAM kit ( long john & long sleeved T shirt) since the forcast was rain about 1/2 way there with mist at the start& bright sun on arrival.

The first thing I noticed was that the Bam stuff is REAL soft almost sik like and getting into my Ballistic material suit was real easy (normally a blo*dy nightmare as I ain't so flexible anymore ).
Once out on the bike I 3was warm not hot & no cold spots (knees) I arrived in good time thro the rain. I jumped out of my wet riding gear expecting to find the uBAM stuff soggy with sweat as usual. NO it was dampish but not sticking to me and within a minute or so I realised I did not have to shower again.

I took off the leggings to use jeans for around the house but elected to just stay with the long sleaved T shirt. suprisingly no one moved up wind. We wentout to lunch and despite the breeze I remained warm.

Going home I donned the Leggings again and rode home. The wife & kids were quite shocked at the lack of sweaty kit & the fact that my deoderant held up LoL.

As Steve said this is kit holds up well I have even used it for ambulance rides and those of you unfortunate to ride in one knows they are not warm but in my Bam Kit I was quite pleased with my self.

I would say this is probably the best kit of any sort that I have ever used . VERY superior to the Helli Henson stuff I used in the services & for ski'ing
DEFINATELY 10 out of 10.

If you are a biker get 20% discout now by using PROMO CODE " probiker "

Re: BAM Clothing Report

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:41 pm
by yamaha_george
95FZR600 wrote:I would like to see the comparison to under armor. Might have to try bam.
you will certaily like it and it with 20% off is a steal right now.

Re: BAM Clothing Report

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:16 pm
by thatkid
I'm telling ya, if more people would listen to me this would be a much nicer smelling world.


Bamboo will own under armour in every area unless you are looking for a compression fit. If that's the case though and you want some sweet shit, take a look at CW-X. Their stuff is proven with real athletes. It didn't just get the NFL to endorse it.

Re: BAM Clothing Report

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:03 am
by WSM
Not to hi-jack the BAM thread, but I just bought a UnderArmor ColdGear Hood ( ... _sell=true)
I use it mostly for bicycling to work on cold mornings, but also on the FZR when the temps started to drop. It's really thin, so it goes under your helmet nicely (some adjusting is needed to pull it up to your cheek bones after getting your helmet on) and kept my chin/nose nice and toasty. It could be a little longer down the neck, but I usually wear a turtleneck anyhow.
Over all: very nice fit, soft fabric and breathable. And it's tiny enough to shove in a pocket.

Re: BAM Clothing Report

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:35 pm
by thatkid
WSM wrote:Not to hi-jack the BAM thread, but I just bought a UnderArmor ColdGear Hood ( ... _sell=true)
I use it mostly for bicycling to work on cold mornings, but also on the FZR when the temps started to drop. It's really thin, so it goes under your helmet nicely (some adjusting is needed to pull it up to your cheek bones after getting your helmet on) and kept my chin/nose nice and toasty. It could be a little longer down the neck, but I usually wear a turtleneck anyhow.
Over all: very nice fit, soft fabric and breathable. And it's tiny enough to shove in a pocket.

Sadly, by the definition of what it's made out of it's not breathable. A merino balaclava would be lighter, thinner, fill length, and more breathable. It would also rarely need to be washed unlike that thing is going to need. Polyester can't physically breathe. It can only let heat out through the weave of the fibers. Natural fibers will breathe through the actual fiber. This will keep you more regulated. ... /-/_/2499/

You just can't beat natural fibers. ... /-/_/2502/

That one would probably even be better for a helmet as it uses a lighter weight merino across the head and heavier weight through the body.

Re: BAM Clothing Report

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:42 pm
by WSM
thatkid, don't get me wrong. I wear at least one layer of wool on a daily basis. I have a 30 year old down sleeping bag that I still use in freezing weather, and never doubt the natural fibers natural abilities.
As for Smartwool though, I've owned about 6 pairs of their sock and all but one (their huge red/white, heavy weight) has worn through within two seasons. In the area of socks, inGenius is all I have in my drawer at the moment.
And the main reason I bought the poly is durability. I've got too many holy woolies, and I just wanted something that I could toss in a pocket, get dirty and not have to worry about any special care for it.

Re: BAM Clothing Report

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:36 pm
by yamaha_george
OK this just arrived from David the boss at BAM clothing :
Hi George
Our new collection is now in stock and just uploaded onto the website. It's the best designed, loveliest fabric and most fab range we've ever had. Our new socks especially are something I'm very proud of – comfortable around the ankles and better than ever in every respect.
20% off all this week in return for feedback
We have a fantastic new range, but no-one outside of Bam (i.e. very, very few) has seen or commented on it.  I'm hoping you may want to try at this special discounted rate so we can get comments posted on the website for the general public and new visitors (no we don't make them up!!). Plus it's a nice way to kick off our Christmas season with those who are loyal to us. So here it is, all of this week only, just enter either the word 'feedback' into the promotional code box at checkout and you'll get to sample our new range at a 20% discount. All we ask is that you send comments once you've tried!
No quibble returns from now till after Christmas
Also, in case there was any doubt, buying now and returning or exchanging after Christmas is fine. As long as it hasn't been obviously worn, just tried on. Common sense reigns, so you can order with confidence anytime from now. As always our delivery is sharp and dependable and if there's any problem at all we'll deal with it the way you would expect of us by now.
Bamboo gift towel sets
Are now in stock. If you're vaguely interested, drop me an e-mail and tell me. I have 500 30x30cm face cloths of the towelling to send to any previous customer who asks, no obligation of course, it's a 'try before you buy' plan
Thanks again for taking the time to try something and let us know, we have really come to depend on feedback from you, our trusted customers.
Best regards
David Gordon
Bam:  Bamboo Clothing
Tel:  +44 (0)20 8940 3958
Mob: +44 (0)7973 480707

Re: BAM Clothing Report

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:17 pm
by yamaha_george
95FZR600 wrote:Thats great Geo! Must try one.
Guy you have rad what Steve & I have found by putting our money where our mouth is.
I have just ordered 5 pairs of socks as a"trial" to give them feedback, the wife ordered the towels and aT shirt for her self to wear under her nursing rig on cold night and into hot hospital rooms to see how she makes out with the stuff.

ALL of this 20% Discount just for telling them what you find whilst wearing it................