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Standing on the pegs illegal?
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:29 am
by kilika2
So I took the MMSC (Missouri Motorcycle safety course) back in May, and I never heard one thing about standing on the pegs being illegal. Obviously standing on the pegs sans hands on the hbars/tank/seat/rear pegs is less than safe. But my instructor said that after a long ride he would stand on the pegs a let his legs wake up. So I started doing some research to see if I could find anything. This is all I have so far, and it just raised more questions. ... p?state=MO
Anyway I didn't find anything about standing on the pegs. But if I read this correctly doesn't it state that MO doesn't have a muffler nor a sound dB level law? Can have a radar detector, no mirrors (knew this one), nor turn signals? But most puzzleing is the "Lane Splitting: Not referenced in Administrative Code or Statutes" Soooooo not a no?
I googled all this and haven't read any farther yet.
Anyway. Just wanted to know if anyone else knew their laws. Now off to do my introduction.
Re: Standing on the pegs illegal?
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:55 am
by kilika2
Also, this doesn't matter a lot but there is also not any law I can find about wheelies. I would file that under careless and imprudent driving though.

Re: Standing on the pegs illegal?
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:57 am
by fzrbrandon
Hey Chris,
Unless the cop's being a real d*ck, he's not going to nail you for stretching your legs out a bit. On the other hand, if you're riding down the road like Jason Britton with the front axle on the same horizontal plane as your helmet you might have a problem.
As for mufflers / exhaust, surely MO does in fact have some law regarding this. Look a little harder and you'll find it. Do Google search for "decibel", "motorcycle", "exhaust" and I'm sure you'll find something (probably something around 80 - 82dB at 12").
As for lane splitting - I believe most states DO state something about this. AFAIK, California is the only state that does NOT expressly prohibit it. In fact, it says nothing about it. So... A lot of people are under the wrong impression that it's EXPRESSLY legal. If a cop here in CA wants to, they'll just nail you for reckless driving.
Re: Standing on the pegs illegal?
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 10:58 am
by fzrbrandon
kilika2 wrote:Also, this doesn't matter a lot but there is also not any law I can find about wheelies. I would file that under careless and imprudent driving though.

Ummm... I'm sure that would also fall under reckless driving...
Re: Standing on the pegs illegal?
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:14 am
by cad600
I always thought there were limitations to it in Cali. Like under 30mph, must be over 21, and must be wearing a helmet for it to be legal.
I know in GA, it is illegal. I know people who have gotten tickets for it.
Re: Standing on the pegs illegal?
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:21 am
by fzrbrandon
cad600 wrote:I always thought there were limitations to it in Cali. Like under 30mph, must be over 21, and must be wearing a helmet for it to be legal.
I know in GA, it is illegal. I know people who have gotten tickets for it.
Nope. This issue was brought up when I took the MSF class last year. What the instructor told us is pretty much what I mentioned. There seems to be a lot of rumour / urban legend regarding this. Personally, I don't do it and never have. People drive like complete jackasses in this city (L.A., that is) so you're really putting yourself on the line if you choose to do it. Funny thing is, the bike cops do it too. Then again, does that really surprise anyone? How many cops actually obey speed limits?
Re: Standing on the pegs illegal?
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:17 pm
by mrfreeze5
When i took my MSF course, they actually taught us to stand up off the seat when riding over bumps like traintracks and potholes. I do it all the time. I look like Im riding a dirt bike going over the rough tracks by my house, ass straight up in the air. And if a cop tells me thats illegal or unsafe, im going to very strongly disagree with him. I would rather my knees take the shock of the bump than my ass and my flying off the bike. I also feel the need to stretch my legs evey now and then. I also tend to ride one handed if Im on a wide open stetch and im just cruising. I wonder abou the legality of that.
Your sound ordinance is probably around 90db+, most states are. Denver just lowered it to 80db in July and the AMA is fighting it now. It is also completely illegal in the state of colorado to modify a motorcycles exhaust from stock. Period. So aftermarket can =$500 ticket if you find a cop whos is having a bad day.
Re: Standing on the pegs illegal?
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:46 pm
by kilika2
mrfreeze5 wrote:When i took my MSF course, they actually taught us to stand up off the seat when riding over bumps like traintracks and potholes. I do it all the time. I look like Im riding a dirt bike going over the rough tracks by my house, ass straight up in the air. And if a cop tells me thats illegal or unsafe, im going to very strongly disagree with him. I would rather my knees take the shock of the bump than my ass and my flying off the bike. I also feel the need to stretch my legs evey now and then. I also tend to ride one handed if Im on a wide open stetch and im just cruising. I wonder abou the legality of that.
Your sound ordinance is probably around 90db+, most states are. Denver just lowered it to 80db in July and the AMA is fighting it now. It is also completely illegal in the state of colorado to modify a motorcycles exhaust from stock. Period. So aftermarket can =$500 ticket if you find a cop whos is having a bad day.
Yeah they told us to stand over boards and tracks and what not. I have an officer friend and he says the same, also about the driving one handed. No law against it in mo. Just like with cars. He had no input for the other questions though.
Re: Standing on the pegs illegal?
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:22 pm
by putskey
In case you all don't know Pres Obama had laws pertaining to all this stuff written into the stimulus package and the new healthcare bill. It's all illegal and if you get caught you will lose your license for life. The money collected from the fines will go to tax credits for people getting in over their heads with mortgages and the like. (i.e. cash for clunkers etc....) Obama wanted to outlaw motorcycles all together but decided they were a good way to rid America of free thinkers!!!
Re: Standing on the pegs illegal?
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 4:44 pm
by fzrbrandon
putskey wrote:...Obama wanted to outlaw motorcycles all together but decided they were a good way to rid America of free thinkers!!!
Surely you jest! There is no way in HELL he could even begin to think about doing this kind of thing. I'm curious as to where you saw this. I could use a good laugh...
Re: Standing on the pegs illegal?
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:08 pm
by mike94fzr600
I would like to see were he said that to. i don't see how he could even attempt it.
Re: Standing on the pegs illegal?
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:43 am
by yamaha_george
Riding standing up, riding one handed,wheelying IF the officer feels there was the likelyhood of you having an accident (purely his judgement ) he can book you for driving with out due care and attention.
Lane splitting one you cross the road markings into the OPPOSITE lane of on coming traffic is acharge of reckless / dangerous driving.
Lane splitting between the same direction of traffic is an offence as you are "undertaking" Ie overtaking on the wrong side of the vehicle on your right here in the UK and again is a charge of dangerous driving.
I am sure the other police officers on this forum (yes I know who you are !) will back me up on this
Re: Standing on the pegs illegal?
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:04 pm
by fzrbrandon
yamaha_george wrote:I am sure the other police officers on this forum (yes I know who you are !) will back me up on this
Cops hang out on this site??? Well, what do you guys have to say about all this?

Re: Standing on the pegs illegal?
Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:35 am
by yamaha_george
fzrbrandon wrote:yamaha_george wrote:I am sure the other police officers on this forum (yes I know who you are !) will back me up on this
Cops hang out on this site??? Well, what do you guys have to say about all this?

So what site would a Traffic cop hang out on then ?