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Desperate for help!!!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 8:53 am
by China_Racer_1
My project bike runs.. for about the first 5 laps. Then it goes to two of the four cyclinders.

i fund this out today at the track.

I thought it to be over heating but when I pulled in I put the bike on the stand and felt the pipes #2 and #3 were nearly cool compard to #1 and #4.


Dave Sadowski and I talked and he suggested I through the Accel coils in the waste basket and put on the origial coils. Which I have two spare sets of so thats not an issue.

But to complicte all this I can not figure out what the #2 and #3 take a shit lik that.

The black box (CDI) gets hotter than shit as well.
I checked for something grounding out. Did not find anything.

Coudl it be that the black box is bad or maybe something is causeing it to over heat and f*ck off the Coil feeding #3 & #4?

Thats all I can think of, but while I need to double check I thought my coils fed #1 and #3 and the other fed #2 & #4

I got a spare CDI and wil try it out but if its a matter of somethign shorting that fried the first CDI then I am relictant to put in the 2nd.

I am stressing like a bitch got a lot of sponsors and prospective sponsors for next year coming to see this bike and at least see me start on the grid. So if need be I will start and pull in when she does the same thing. but I would much rather sart and finsih the race, hopefully, in a respectable spot.

Re: Desperate for help!!!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:30 am
by yamaha_george
If it is the mid two pipes that are cool the coils IF wired the same way as Yamaha (1 & 3) (2 & 4) are NOT the issue as cylinder 2 is not working BUT 4 is if you follow the logic.

HOWEVER I do not like the idea of ACCELL coils as I have heard about hassles with the TDI managing them (only rumours on the historical grapevine but .............. Follow your pals advice go back to OEM coils at least until after the race.

Another Forum member has the EXACTLY the same problem when his bike goes in to rthe rain and I suggested that the plug wires were cracked someplace and were "Leaking" electricity by arcing out.

Running the bike in the dak after the fault developes could pin point the problem as ARCING can be seen.

What worries me most is the delay time to the fault which points to the TDI heating up BUT that in theory would affect only a coil pair rather than just one cylinder of the pair pointing back to the arcing theory which would "short" the out put every other rev and thus short the output transistor and make them heat up.

Change to OEM coils (which will automatically change the HT leads ) I would change the plug caps from 2 &3 to 1 & 4 and see if that moves the problem or cures it entirely.

Re: Desperate for help!!!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:59 am
have you checked the VR

Re: Desperate for help!!!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 11:05 am
by cad600
China_Racer_1 wrote:I need to double check I thought my coils fed #1 and #3 and the other fed #2 & #4
First thing is to swap some of your plugs around. The coils are fed by the TCI and are Orange for cylinder #1 combined with red/white for cylinder #4, Then Gray for cylinder #2 with red / white for cylinder #3. You have the coils feeding in a slightly wrong order and should be 1 & 4 then 2 & 3. The wires from the wire harness should be grouped together with the Orange and red/white wires using a yellow terminal connector. I know you've done some pruning on the wire harness which could make this a little difficult as well.