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bucket project begins

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:27 am
by mossy1200
project begins

In New Zealand we have bucket racing.
Basic rules are 150 four stroke carbs open and 125 two stroke carbs size restrictions.
This racing is done on cart tracks etc.
No purpose built comp motor or MX motors accepted.
CR125 no good etc
often people use gl145 engines etc or old 125 two strokes.
Im thinking of blanking off a cylinder and have vt125 only no longer v twin.Does this make it t125 ?????If v is for cylinder shape and t is for twin which it will not be then that just leaves 125.

Now you guys need to name the bike.

I have had fairings off rg250 in garage for 6months so will use those.They are fibreglass race fairings and look like they will fit ok.
Build budget is $150 NZD which is about 100USD.
Bike cost $50USD to buy $80NZD so this will be tight.I do have all the spare vt250 bits for sale that will add to project income if they sell.


Some guys go and buy 150 four stroke bikes but thats not what buckets are about for me.

Re: bucket project begins

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:47 am
by reelrazor
Won't it be a 75cc engine with a cylinder blanked off?

Re: bucket project begins

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 8:51 am
by haunter
this should be fun!!!

Re: bucket project begins

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 11:59 am
by the_finch
Just do a twin-to-single conversion like this guy did. It'll still only dispace 125cc's, right? :yikes:

Re: bucket project begins

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:03 pm
by mossy1200
reelrazor wrote:Won't it be a 75cc engine with a cylinder blanked off?
It was vtwin 250 so would end up 125.

Re: bucket project begins

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:49 pm
by mossy1200
the_finch wrote:Just do a twin-to-single conversion like this guy did. It'll still only dispace 125cc's, right? :yikes:
I have checked the f4 bucket rules and superchrged engine is acceptable but needs to be 100cc or less so 125 is out.I would need to sleeve it down in size.
The vt doesnt have removable jugs as they are part of the engine casting so this would be expensive.Only have 50usd to play with.
On the bright side I have people after parts already so may part out and buy 150cc loncin engine that comes with carbs,loom etc.They are $300usd so need to sell alot of bits first.Otherwise its a second hand 100two smoker or 150 4 stroke.The original engine is toasted.Bearing look bad and seems to have been run without oil.Took the sump off for a look and dont think it would handle the abuse it will get.The engine is also heavy considering it would be running 10-12hp instead of the 25odd it was designed to run.
Im thinking light engine would be far better for a bucket racer and air cooled would be a better idea also.

Re: bucket project begins

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:39 pm
by mossy1200
spent some time on la bucket(1 1/2hrs)
Striped it down saving parts for resale
Bad points are the chain was so tight the link bent while removing.
Took sump of engine and contains bad final drive bearing and gearbox damage.
No front brakes but may just need bleeding and fluid.
Rear sproket not flash.

Good points is chasis is light and fork seals good and rear shock good.
Bearings etc are good in swinger and steering head.

not sure if i will cut frame and shorten it.Perhaps wait for new motor to see what will work.


Re: bucket project begins

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:40 am
by mossy1200
Put the fairings on to get the general look.Need to remake front bracket and move bits backwards.Cant do this until I sort out what height I want the bars at.


Re: bucket project begins

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 7:34 am
by yamaha_george
how about an air cooled RD 250 using just one cylinder should be able to tune that up a fair bit.

OR if you are set on winning this:- ... oodV8.html LOL2

Re: bucket project begins

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 3:16 pm
by mossy1200
yamaha_george wrote:Mossy,
how about an air cooled RD 250 using just one cylinder should be able to tune that up a fair bit.

OR if you are set on winning this:- ... oodV8.html LOL2
You trying to get me to create a monster.
I dont want to get serious about bucket racing.I will most likely blat few and far between on it as some bucket days line up with race days on bike.
The good thing is its cheep and you just turn up pay and play.
Some bucket bikes sell for well over $1000 and some up to $4000.
Half the fun is building one on a $150 budget + any funds from vt part sales.
Sold $45 worth of bits so budget now $195 less $80 to buy bike.


Re: bucket project begins

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 12:24 am
by mossy1200
Sold another $80 worth of parts today so remaining build budget is $$275 less the $80 spent leaves $195 to spend.
New 150 motor is $500 includes carbs and wiring and cdi so it could be the go or find a donor crashed gl145 to two smoke 100cc etc.

Time will tell.