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Ugh, all this rain is killin me

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:00 am
by Dr Evil
I live 65 miles from Deals Gap, otherwise known as the dragon. I get some time off and it rains, I dont get time off and it rains. Next week I'm off for 3 days and forecast is for 72 degrees and sunshine. Keeping my fingers crossed for some good ridin weather. :headbang:

Yes, I have rode the dragon in the rain. Its not something I care to repeat.

Re: Ugh, all this rain is killin me

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:18 am
by shredex
iv got a couple buddys that are heading to deals gap right now..(probably there allready)
wonder if its raining now...that would suck for them...they are staying 4 days then coming back down here.
hopefully they will come back with all there bikes in one piece this time lol


dont worry though, $7000 and a few fines later, this was born. lets hope it comes back like this sunday lol

Re: Ugh, all this rain is killin me

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 10:10 am
by WSM
Yup. I've been waiting all week for a gap in the weather to ride back to DC from here in OH. Tomorrow looks good!
Shred: Who's is that?!

Re: Ugh, all this rain is killin me

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:22 pm
by shredex
that is a buddy of mines bike...hes on my local forum with the name "Voodoo" his real name is me..