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Who and How have your online shopping experiences been?
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:16 am
by Genesis
I don't know If there is a thread already on this, But Who and How have your online shopping experiences been?
I have fairly good luck with shopping at Bike Bandit, But I know they are not good for international buyers. They are also expensive.
I have gotten stuff from Cheapcycleparts, and although they are somewhat cheap, they are very slow.
anyway post up... let us know your experiences.
Re: Who and How have your online shopping experiences been?
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 5:11 am
by mossy1200
Bike Bandit ripped me off.I ordered a set of discs and they sent one and cancelled the other as NLA.They charged me full freight and import tax for the pair.Cost me $520NZD for one disc.Lucky Sweeks ordered me the other and sent it to me.That cost $320NZD.
ATVunlimited has just spent the last three weeks telling fibs about the wiseco kit they didnt send.They printed freight docket but didnt send.They kept telling me it was sent but I suspect they had no stock so ordered one in.Wish they had just told me as I spent three weeks stressing about whether I would get it or not.The kits $900NZD which takes me 5-6 weeks to save.
Dyno man fast email responce(just ordered fcr carbs so will let you know.They were little dearer than others but the freight to New Zealand was half the others making total price with insurance on freight the best price).
Wemoto UK fast
Factory pro fast
Sweeks FZRonline fast ,cheep and good communication.A1 trader highly recommended
Re: Who and How have your online shopping experiences been?
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 7:44 am
by reelrazor
They don't sell OEM parts, but I have always had very good experiences with Dennis Kirk. Shipping (in the U.S.) is free on orders over $100. If the online part description says they have it in stock-they DO.
If you troll their "closeouts" section you can come up with VERY good deals. I got a Teknic armored leather jacket for $79 that way, and got a right hand drive Baker five speed transmission, in chrome, for my buddy's choppper for $789 (retail $3600). I generally by cheap gauntlet gloves from them for work (precurved fingers and snug fit is hard to find in a 'welding' glove).
Re: Who and How have your online shopping experiences been?
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:23 am
by tommyj27
+1 for Dennis Kirk. I get a little spoiled because their HQ is <30 miles from the house; the free ground shipping translates to "free overnight shipping" for me. They also price match with other websites, which is nice.
Re: Who and How have your online shopping experiences been?
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 12:45 pm
by yamaha_george
well as an international buyer of bike parts of all sorts I have not found a US. based company worth trading with !!!
I have to get friends to buy goods for me and ship it, thus costing twice for freight. I have had dealings with individuals on US E-bay and they are just as lazy.
Thank God for FZROnline US fraternity who actually can be bothered to ship stuff, although I recently saw one seller who would not sell outside the US "as shipping was too expensive" as the seller who the heck is he make that call. IF I need something I need it and if my pocket book says yes , just ship it it aint costing you !
Sellers overseas (non-US ) Cycle Canada are good as their word.
ASR suspension in Australia are JUST EXCELLENT in everyway.
Champion springs & the tiny spring company (UK) were both easy to deal with for my overseas friends to use
Re: Who and How have your online shopping experiences been?
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 2:00 pm
by fzrbrandon
For OEM stuff, I've bought a lot of parts from Cycle Parts Warehouse. They're in Texas and I deal with Michael whenever I call them. Super cool guy and their prices are really good.
Locally however, for those of you in the L.A. / San Fernando Valley area, I try to do my business with Cycle Trends in Van Nuys. Ron and Mike are my go-to guys there. They're also very friendly and try help out however they can!