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Life is good

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:24 pm
by reelrazor
Well, with the 'back to work, we got a big contract' news from the bossman last week, I've divorced myself a bit from my side-work obligations ($$pressure is off a little bit).

Happily that has coincided with some of the nicest weather we have had all summer...been about 80° and sunny since saturday..with no real weather to speak of in the forecast.

So, been riding some....about 700 miles this week. Today...I had to be in a town about 45 miles away at 3, so I took off about to riding a round about loop.....found myself on a road I have ridden a bunch already this year. Granted it's a good one...but still, my weird ass brain is saying..."i'm bored with these roads.."

(And, mind you this is not long(20 minutes) after smoking through a corner I ride almost daily, a slow 90° turn and laying a 30yard blackie on the exit...)

Having time, my next thought was..."try some new roads...", so I did.

Holy crap!

here's a tip...when you see roads with names like 'Cedar Valley' and 'Joy Creek' and 'Maple Ridge' out in the country (and NOT in some planned subdivision) AND they're paved....TAKE THEM!!!!!!

One of them was nothing but a string of about sixteen 90° 1st and 2nd gear corners with max 1/2 mile of straight in HILLY land to boot! Man, what a riot!! The others were a mix of rolling hills farmland, and river valley curvy. One was pretty much nothing BUT an access road to a string of radio towers along a ridgeline......

I ended up riding 220 miles to get to my 45 mile away appointment.

Ahh, life is good.

Re: Life is good

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:47 am
by sweekster
Always nice to read stuff like this. It reaffirms WHY riding is good for the soul.

Re: Life is good

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:26 am
by haunter

wish we had stuff like that around here

and the SV is a few hundred miles from the suggest valve adjustment......

Re: Life is good

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:54 am
by WSM
What area are you in?
I'm thinking we ought to get the Map/Route section of this forum up to par and just have a State-by-State list of great roads.
(Ex: Halfway Road between Middleburg, VA & The Plains, VA)
I tried to enter some of my favorites into the GoogleEarth system that is set up for that section, but having to trace out the route is a pain!

Re: Life is good

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 9:18 am
by ragedigital
Life is good....

Re: Life is good

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:26 pm
by reelrazor
WSM, I'm in northern Michigan...about 15 miles southeast of the Mackinac Bridge which links the lower and upper peninsulas of Michigan(and which until pretty recently was the longest single span suspension bridge in the world). are 100% on that!! It IS good for my soul...there was a 6 year period when the state said "no" as far as me being licensed to use a motor vehicle on ANY public road or waterway....and my insane brain had teh gall to be bitching about being bored ripping up the backroads......Bikes, and especially that time stopping, in the Zen state, 100% in the NOW that I get when I am riding with gratitude is one of the BEST things I can do for my soul...and makes me a better person when I am not riding.....

I was trying to figure out how to map routes onto Google earth....

I was out and about, did a side-job, got done and was waiting for my bud/boss to cal me back and I called a woman I have known for years who recently divorced well (got the lake house and the MasterCraft ski boat and the party pontoon) check on the waterskiing possibilities of this weekend.

She was at a local superstore with her daughter...and I needed a couple things (and you should really NEVER ask to borrow the badass ski boat on the phone-that's an in-person deal) I swung in there and got my diet coke and some bar-b-q ing things....and thought, "you know, I need to get some SD cards and more NiMh AAA batteries('cause you know, the GF has appropriated a bunch of them... :-/ )for the new on-board camera".

In the checkout line I was thinking to myself..."dummie, you haven't even gotten a tracking number (for the camera) don't need this yet"...and then "that sumbitch told me I would have a tracking number before yesterday was over!!, I'm gonna email him and bitch...."

I get home (ohh yeah, I AM skiing tomorrow..... ;- } ) and there's a package waiting.

It's my new GoPro Hero Motorsports Wide camera kit....

retail is $199. I got it (brand new) for $139 from this guy: ... rom=&_ipg=

I ordered the damn thing BEAT the tracking number here....I am impressed and VERY happy....I'm gonna do some bike video AND some waterskiing vid this weekend!!!!!

right now I am just blowing off time until I have two sets of rechargeables ready to rock, and a couple 4gig cards......

I was trying to load a route into Google earth but I think I am going to go explore mounting points on the bike.......

Yep, life is good..................... ;-)

Re: Life is good

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:56 pm
yea those are cool as hell ... well worth the money u paid .. did you allready have a cam mount ? Does it come with one ? ... I would of loved to rip my bike up north man .. Only been once up there and lived in the damn state my whole life ..Just riding up to T.C woulda been the shit bro

Re: Life is good

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:12 am
by China_Racer_1
sweekster wrote:Always nice to read stuff like this. It reaffirms WHY riding is good for the soul.
I think you hit on a point here. Riding is somehow spiritual. It soothes the soul.

When all hell brakes loose, the shit hits the fan and your ready to dance at the end of a rope....Its time to go for a long bike ride and relax and your troubles go away for a bit and lessen in intensity. IMHO.

Re: Life is good

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:15 am
by China_Racer_1
WSM wrote:What area are you in?
I'm thinking we ought to get the Map/Route section of this forum up to par and just have a State-by-State list of great roads.
(Ex: Halfway Road between Middleburg, VA & The Plains, VA)
I tried to enter some of my favorites into the GoogleEarth system that is set up for that section, but having to trace out the route is a pain!
That is actually a great idea kind of a "Great riding section of road underground." keep it posted and updated for all to share.

What better gift to give a fellow rider than to turn them on to the kinds of roads posted above. RRBike

Re: Life is good

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 9:45 am
by reelrazor
PIMPMYFZR wrote:yea those are cool as hell ... well worth the money u paid .. did you allready have a cam mount ? Does it come with one ? ... I would of loved to rip my bike up north man .. Only been once up there and lived in the damn state my whole life ..Just riding up to T.C woulda been the shit bro
Yeah, it was the whole setup...included about 5 stick on quick attach mounts (curved and flat surface-3m double sticky tape-which DOES stick..damn, the one on my helmet is STUCK!), plus a hardcore suction cup mount-which also STICKS...they say they have used them on planes at 200mph....

I'll start another thread and throw up some of the test vids...