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Rear MC disassembly...TK???

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:08 am
by shredex
My rear MC went out...
I have a brembo MC from an R1 laying around but the threaded rod part is to short to work.
I was wondering if it was possible to switch the threaded rod part on the two so I can have rear brakes again!?

I know ThatKid takes them apart to powdercoat so this is kinda directed to him.

Re: Rear MC disassembly...TK???

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:39 am
by shredex

Re: Rear MC disassembly...TK???

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:30 am
by the_finch
Yep, it does work. I've got one of TK's R6 Brembo rear MC setups with the FZR plunger installed. You basically remove the FZR MC guts and install them in the R6 MC, to the best of my knowledge.

Re: Rear MC disassembly...TK???

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 1:46 pm
by thatkid
yup, you keep the spring/seal of the r6 but the threaded rod section from the FZR swaps right over.

Re: Rear MC disassembly...TK???

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:22 pm
by shredex
ok, I guess MC wasnt the problem.
I installed the brembo and STILL the same darn problem! not sending fluid to calipers.
I open bleed screw and press on lever multiple times and nothing.
I stuck the syringe to the bleeder and tried forcing fluids threw it with the bango bolt undone and NOTHING...just squirted fluid everywhere around the bleed screw but not allowing anything to go.
I removed bleed screw on both and pumped the brake and nothing...

Im guessing my Caliper needs a rebuild...luckely im doing a yzf swingarm which has good break on it! lol

since Im swaping motor iv been hard on the motor and doing a bunch of roll-ons which for some reason are really easy with the r6 headers and scorpian exhaust and having no plastics (shes fightered again). she wheelies like a beast...I just dont have rear brake so being careful.

Re: Rear MC disassembly...TK???

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:34 am
by yamaha_george
shredex wrote:ok, I guess MC wasnt the problem.
I installed the brembo and STILL the same darn problem! not sending fluid to calipers.
I open bleed screw and press on lever multiple times and nothing.
I stuck the syringe to the bleeder and tried forcing fluids threw it with the bango bolt undone and NOTHING...just squirted fluid everywhere around the bleed screw but not allowing anything to go.
I removed bleed screw on both and pumped the brake and nothing...


Take a look at what I did on one of my projects :

So you see anything can work with any thing
on the MC side. it sounds like the tiny holes in the plunger are full of crap , take out the plunger inside the MC and clean the holes. Be very careful on re-assembly with putting fluid on the rubber part of the plunger NEVER push it in dry or the rubber tears (as a married man you should know this LoL)

Re: Rear MC disassembly...TK???

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:43 am
by reelrazor
How's the brake line, Shred?

If you crack the banjo bolt at the master cylinder does it push fluid there?

You say you tried to push fluid from the caliper to the m/c......and it wouldn't go....

The rubber brake lines break down and collapse...and contrary to what you would think..they WILL NOT flow fluid when this happens.

Re: Rear MC disassembly...TK???

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 11:23 am
by shredex
i have all steel braided lines

Re: Rear MC disassembly...TK???

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:30 pm
by yamaha_george
shredex wrote:i have all steel braided lines
You could have carbon/polymer but it aint gonna be any use if the MC pump aint pumping take the brake line off the MC and see if it squirts if you put your (gloved) finger over the out let & pump the brake pedal

IF NO then follow my previous advice.

Re: Rear MC disassembly...TK???

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:32 pm
by shredex
the MC works.
the caliper does not...I cant pump fluid threw the bleeder/caliper

Re: Rear MC disassembly...TK???

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:40 pm
by thatkid
Did you pull the bleed screws all the way off? They get rusty easily and clog up. If you still aren't getting fluid then it's time to split the caliper and pull everything.

Re: Rear MC disassembly...TK???

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 7:51 pm
by shredex
thatkid wrote:Did you pull the bleed screws all the way off? They get rusty easily and clog up. If you still aren't getting fluid then it's time to split the caliper and pull everything.
yea I pulled both off completly. thought it was odd that they have two bleeders on the one caliper

whatever it is, this is how it went.
My rear brake always sucked...had to put peg to floor before brake engaged.
Then one day out of the blue, the brake worked great! barley push on the lever and allready had resistence!
then the very next day...nothing...lever goes to floor with no brake whats so ever.

im doing the yzf swingarm swap very soon so ill be using the caliper from that which I know works.

Re: Rear MC disassembly...TK???

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:44 am
by yamaha_george
shredex wrote:
whatever it is, this is how it went.
My rear brake always sucked...had to put peg to floor before brake engaged.
Then one day out of the blue, the brake worked great! barley push on the lever and already had resistance!
then the very next day...nothing...lever goes to floor with no brake whats so ever.

im doing the yzf swingarm swap very soon so ill be using the caliper from that which I know works.
sounds like you have bit of crap that is floating about in the cross passage between caliper halves if you do not get brakes then get brakes then none.
take out both bleeds and flush the system (even that might NOT cure it if the crap is big enough to stick in an opening ).

Not an idea to ride around with no rear brake , I know it is fashionable not to use the rear for anything but controlling wheelies but for the sake of life and limb it is a comfort that in the case of a real humdinger of a need to stop 3 brakes is better than 2