megaloxana wrote:Add them to your corral mossy
Cant afford at moment or I would.The shipping to Wellington is $340 per bike
The first race of the season costs me $500 for the day includes travel and acc and food etc etc
This doesnt even include tyre which i dont pay so the only bikes i do are resellers.
If I got my hands on these I would keep the 400/600 but then what would I do with it as it would qualify pre 89 but i already have pre89 fzr1000
Cant ride two at same time.
I could i suppose put wets on it and swap bikes when it rains.LOL
One wet day racer and one dry track racer.
I would never get that one past the missus
What I have found with auctions is the more information given the more desperate the sale and if you look down the bottom of the auction he just cant leave the comments and additional text alone.With our auctions on vehicles the only thing is the start bid needs to be higher than 10% of the reserve.
You can only edit the auction price down once a bid is placed and a within 15% warning comes up when you get close to reserve.
This guy would be better selling the two seperatly than together as average joe wants a bike to go to work and ride on the weekend and doesnt want two bikes.
remember the hard out bikers either build there own customised bike or buy a new racer.They dont buy two fzr600s that someone has worked on.They would buy one to complete and race but not two.the stock 600 would suit a town comuter who hits the highway once every two weeks on the weekend for an hr ride to a cafe for coffee before riding home again.
Just personal opinions (NO OFFENCE INTENDED TO ANYONE)
Different people have different reasons to ride.