Why you hate the PO?

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Why you hate the PO?

Post by FizzNation »

So why do you all hate the P.O. (Previous Owner)?

Well i sure dont like my PO because he told me he had just put in a new air filter and when i tore the airbox off there was literally a big mouse nest in it. Also he put in a DynoJet kit and decided it must be the cool thing to do to put SMALLER than stock jets. He did put in a full exhaust but he mounted it all wrong. it sticks so far past the tail end its rediculous. Oh and he decided to RTV the shit out of my carbs. what a tool.

Freaking idiot.
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Re: Why you hate the PO?

Post by ragedigital »

Never had an issue with my PO... either one of them so far.

I'm certain there are some good stories out there though.
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Re: Why you hate the PO?

Post by 95FZR600 »

I can believe it. Im still fixing little things on my bike from the PO.
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Re: Why you hate the PO?

Post by mossy1200 »

This topic i am familiar with seeing as i buy 10 per year and they are all lack of maintence victims.

First thing when collecting bike or viewing bike is to dumb yourself down below the sellers level.
Ask questions like."When you change the oil stuff where does the old oil come out?"
I like to turn the idle up then see if the previous owner can explain it reving as it sits there.LOL

The previous owner you have to love the most is the owner who has only a hammer and chisel in his tool kit.
This owner has the opinion that if he can get it out he will take the edges off until the heads round.Why would anyone want that off if i couldn't get it off anyway.

I went on a bus for 2hrs plus once to buy a bike from out of town.
I got to Palmerston at the bus stop and the Indian guy picked me up in his car and took me to his place.
The bike had been advertised with new warrant of fitness which it had.
Advertised new battery.Bike required push start.LOL.You would think if you advertised new battery you would check it went.
The stator was giving 10volts out.LOL
The rear tyre was worn out.Had been advertised new tyres.They were new in 1986.
The warrant turned out to be from the guys work.(You guessed it he was a car salesman)
Playing ignorant i asked if it went well.Got told if i didn't blow smoke the motor was good.
Got it going(no smoke)but sounded like tractor.I think the lack of smoke was due to the fact the oil pump was shot.
One would say you need oil at the top end to cause smoke LOL.
I then made mistake of removing oil fill cap.Got myself covered in oil .LOL
Had to turn the bike off to get it back on.There was so much pressure.LOL

Whats worse when i told the guy i didn't want the bike he told me i had wasted his time.WTF
I just spent over two hours on bus to get there carried leathers etc and helmet.Sounds like a real time waster to me.
The guy leaves me standing there and buggers off.
Takes me an hour to walk to bus stop and then another bus ticket to get back to Wellington.
By the time i get home i have bad feedback on my trade me account(like ebay).
He opens himself a new account and sells it on to next guy.

The best owners are the ones that have log books that go back till the bike was new.
They know how to get the bike to bike shop and pay bills but working on their own bike is out of the question.
They have a huge stack of previous accounts for work done and its almost all maintence checks and oil changes and tune ups.

Hard to find these guys.LOL
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Re: Why you hate the PO?


i've been pretty fortunate also lucky the latest previous owner just let the bike Bone stock .. saves me from fixing his problems .. not i get to create my own
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Re: Why you hate the PO?

Post by shredex »

to be honest with you, i think my bike would be better off the previous owner...with everything iv torn apart on my bike, everything has been so nice and clean...previous owner raced motocross so he new bikes well and new how to take care of them
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Re: Why you hate the PO?

Post by Fizzinatorr »

My first FZR 600 was perfect

My ZX7 was wiring

My next FZR 600 was that he let it sit for 7 years or so

My VFR 750 was that he had a lock stuck on the side which he lost the key to and it was a bitch to cut off

My GSX 750 was mint

My FZR 1000 was that the jerk crashed it and he messed with the wiring

And my current GSXR 750 is being built from parts, so any problems are going to be created by me :yutugh2:
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Re: Why you hate the PO?

Post by tommyj27 »

PO was the stealership, nuff said.

It's not that the PO was the problem; it's just that they make really good scapegoats because they're [usually] not here to defend themselves! :mrgreen:
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Re: Why you hate the PO?

Post by mrfreeze5 »

A few days ago I went with a friend to check out a FZR that he wanted to buy. It is his first bike. I knew I reconized the bike from the pics online and once I saw it in person I knew it was the same bike I checked out last year and after we made the deal, the seller douched out and wouldnt return my calls. I guess this guy offered him more and he didnt have the balls to tell me. Anyway, the current owner was blowing all sorts of smoke saying : i installed this part and that part, and look, its got this and that, blah blah blah. Every single bit of it a lie. I mean the bike was nice and was worth what he was asking, but it pisses me off to high hell when a seller tries to BS their way through a sale. The guy was even doing the stupid Price is Right model hand gestures for the $20 carbon look flushmounts that "he installed" . the best was the Xenon HID LED headlights(yes, LED headlights) that he installed. Theyre blue inted bulbs, c'mon! Plus he was asking a few hundred more than the previous guy did and some of the goodies had been taken off since i last saw it. I got fed up pretty quickly and just stopped asking questions because I obviously knew more about the bike than he did. So I told my friend what kind of work it would need and he made an offer. now the bike is his. I dont put any faith in what the previous owner says. They just want money and theyll say anything to get it. Ive walked away from some really good deals before just because the seller was an ass though.
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