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Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:51 pm
by shredex
The dreaded course that must be taken by law to get your motorcycle endorsment.
mys schedual was
*Wed, 6pm - 10pm 4/8/09
*Sat & Sun, 7am - 3pm 4/11-4/12/09

First day we watched videos and went over the 126 questions in the back of the book we got when we first signed up.
Second day was a ride day where we did a bunch of learning how to ride and then had our written exam.
Third day we did more riding and did our final evaluation which consisted of; figure-eight to a acceleration to a swerve, a stopping distance, and finally a timed curve run.

so how did I do?

written - 98%
final - 100%

there was one old drunk that everyone loved because of his ignorance.
he talked about why crank got its nickname (the drugs got stashed in the crankcase to smuggle them)
he also did horrible on the course...he didnt listen to any of the instructors lol
im so glad he failed the final and didnt get his certificate...I think the people hire him to come in and act the way he did...
he was a very unfortunate man that road his transportation to the place (an old bicycle)
kinda sad because he had to spend $225 just to fail a course...

another thing, the instructors were very mean if someone did something slighty wrong. And one instructor would say one thing, and then the other would tell us another...they were older dudes with white hair and an older woman which was the nicest and actaully had fun...its funny cause the male ones said (not blatenly) that she was a b**ch and to resist the urge of wanting to throw something at her...but then it turns out its the other way around lol.
The old dude with the glasses that has a kawasaki voyoger (i think...its kinda like a goldwing but kawa) he was cool.
he lives about 3/4 the same distance away from the place as I...and in the same direction.
yesterday when I left I was getting followed by him the whole way lol...
I stopped at a light and put my right foot down first and he rides up to my side and yells "Is that how I taught you how to stop!" hehe...
btw, that kawa is fast...I was speeding up the ramp as he was about fifty feet behind me when I looked behind me, then I looked forward for a sec and looked back in the rear view mirrior and he was gone...I looked forward and he was thirdy feet ahead of me hauling ass!

So, I got my certificate and im gonna go to the dmv monday and get my endorsment printed onto my liscence....NO MORE ILLIGAL DRIVING!!!

oh yea...and getting off that yamaha dual-purpose 125cc or whatever thing and then hopping onto my bike was was weird and I felt like I was laying down on my bike because the one used on the course you sit straight up and is way lighter and just a completly different feel....

Re: Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:02 pm
by reelrazor
Glad you did it Shred! and congrats on the good scores!---it's hell being responsible isn't it?

And daaaaaayyyyumm....$225? It's $89 for the MSF 'basic rider's course' here....4 hours classroom, two days on bike/in gf is due to take it next month. You'll get that back in reduced insurance premiums tho....and better awareness/knowledge

As an ex MSF instructor...all I can say is there are better instructor teams and worse ones...we did kinda do the "good cop, bad cop" thing with people...and you have to remember they can be mean because some of the things can truly be 'live or die' issues out there in the real world.

Re: Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:09 pm
by sweekster
So what did you learn from the whole experience?

Re: Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:22 pm
by tkclow
Congrats Shred and I agree, what did you learn from all this?

Re: Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:24 pm
by shredex
for the BRC...
its $225 if your over 21, and $200 if your under 21.
$89 for you? lucky!
after that now I only have $100 saved to pay for the $500 speeding fine...$175-$275 court fee...and $451 to the bank because of yea, I still need around a grand to be debt free...
sweekster wrote:So what did you learn from the whole experience?
im not going to be ignorant and say that I didnt learn anything just because Im allready an "experienced" rider, but alot of it I have discovered myself through out my 7 months riding experience. This course has helped me master the techniques though.
one thing I learned though, is countersteering...I didnt know about that helping with slow speed turns...or at least I dont/didnt notice if I used the technique or not when doing turns before. I do that technique though when Im doing weeves down the lane on the road to get the tires warmed up.
Iv also learned about locking up the wheels and what to do if it happens...Iv never incountered that so I never "learned from experience"

Re: Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:08 pm
by ghettomedic505
ga its 260 to take msf here :hijack:

Re: Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:28 pm
by shredex
ghettomedic505 wrote:ga its 260 to take msf here :hijack:
its still on topics...lets future readers who needs to take the course know how much its going to be...
it would of helped if you put where you are located at.

The course is normaly $300 here. this is the only place that does it for $200 around here and you cant find it online threw the dmv get a flyer for it at motorcycle shops.
Harley davidson is one of them that do it for $300

Re: Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:30 pm
by 95FZR600
Congrats shred!!!!

Your on your way to being a man! When riding always keep those instructors in the back of your mind.

Re: Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 3:50 pm
by reelrazor
The dreaded course that must be taken by law to get your motorcycle endorsment.
I missed this the first time thru...I am kinda thinking that they can gouge (err...charge) you more when it is state mandated.

Here in Michigan it isn't a requirement to take the can get a "motorcycle learner's permit" for free, then you have to ride on it for 30 days at least (no passengers, no night time, and in the 'presence of a licensed operator' ), then take an approved road skills test, pass a written test then you buy your endorsement can take (and pass) the MSF basic rider's course, take the written operator-cycle test and pay for your endorsement..the MSF course counts as your month of permit riding, plus is accepted as your road skills test. And, at $89 it pretty much equals the cost of doing it the other way.

Re: Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:08 pm
by ragedigital
95FZR600 wrote:Your on your way to being a man!
That's a longer course... and I doubt he'll pass... lol

Re: Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:15 pm
by shredex
95FZR600 wrote:
Your on your way to being a man!
just need to hit puverty and ill almost be there!

i think ill go wrestle a grizzly now...

chatbot:: shredex is currently away from keyboard *AFK

Re: Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:29 pm
by tommyj27
I think it's $125 in MN, although the harley dealer version is more (like anyone here cares). again, cheaper in MN cuz it's not a requirement. permit is good for one year, w/ no passengers, night riding, gotta wear a lid, etc. When I took it everyone in my class passed although (sorry ladies) there were a couple women who I didn't think should have. Plus, in MN if you have apermit and you pass the MSF course, you get a voucher for your endorsement.

Worth every penny!

Re: Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:24 pm
by megaloxana
damn thats expensive. In PA its free and you get endoresed afterwards. Or you can just get the permit and take the endorsement test on your own motorcycle.

Re: Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 10:15 pm
by ghettomedic505
shredex wrote:
ghettomedic505 wrote:ga its 260 to take msf here :hijack:
its still on topics...lets future readers who needs to take the course know how much its going to be...
it would of helped if you put where you are located at.

The course is normaly $300 here. this is the only place that does it for $200 around here and you cant find it online threw the dmv get a flyer for it at motorcycle shops.
Harley davidson is one of them that do it for $300
oh I thought they could just look under my avatar and see "new mexico" :duh: but just in case im in santa fe, new mexico :shocker

Re: Motorcycle Safety Education Course

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:00 am
by mossy1200
When i did mine it involved 6 oral questions $9.90 if you had car licence allready and a skills test held by bike shop which cost $35.00

Thats NZ dollars so about $25usd LOL
It was 20years ago though.