Torn rotator cuff...???

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Torn rotator cuff...???

Post by reelrazor »

Hey guys.

After a pretty drastic skiing crash about a month ago, I developed shoulder pain and limited range of movement.

Got with my primary care physician...he checked my r-o-m and put me on anti-inflammatory steroids (medrol doespak). It felt pretty good after I was done with that..he told em to get back to him if the pain hadn't lessened in a few weeks..

It hasn't. As long as I am using it, it is pretty okay. Not full strength but not too bad. The biggest problem is sleeping/when I am not active. It tightens right up and throbs. I have iced it, heated it and gobble Aleve but a full night's sleep is being pretty impossible.

So, saw Doc and he scheduled an MRI. Had that done yesterday-we'll see what the results are. I did tell him I would much prefer a referral to a surgeon who does arthoscopic repair.....and he said that prolly won't be a problem. I had a roomie a few years back who had the old school open surgery and I remember he was laid up for quite a while.....I want to be able to ride(and it doesn't seem to bug me at all when I do).

Any input? Any horror stories? Recovery times? Anyone had the arthoscopic r.c repair?


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Re: Torn rotator cuff...???

Post by tommyj27 »

I've got a lingering injury that comes and goes (probably from climbing). when it comes, about all it affects is my lifting routine; I have to take a week off. OTOH, my Dad has had both shoulders rebuilt, both Artho jobs. Even with that, he is still laid up for quite a while. Other friends have torn rotor cuffs and gotten better with just some PT.

Wait and see what the MRI results come back as, and hope for no surgery; it's no fun.
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Re: Torn rotator cuff...???

Post by R3TARD »

torn rotator here in 4wheeler accident and yeah its no fun either way you cut it. I had the ortho surgery so i cant comment on the open surgery. It was almost a whole year before I could put my shirt on without pain and it still hurts a little to lift my 36 lb daughter up in the air, (although that doesnt stop me) I agree with looking at the MRI before I worried too much. There is also only so much they can do for a torn rotator cuff I think. Good luck

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Re: Torn rotator cuff...???

Post by tommyj27 »

My former lifting partner went through it with just PT. For a long time, his lifting routine consisted almost entirely of 2x45s with a 5lb plate.
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