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I hate eBay!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:19 pm
by cad600
OK, I'm going to be a little juvenile during this so consider this a warning.

I HATE EBAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm getting really sick and tired of eBay sellers. Seriously, most of them are a bunch of dicks. So during the last week now, I've bought three items off of eBay to get my bike running. First off I buy a set of carbs from someone in South Florida because of location. Three days later I get an e-mail saying they can't find the part so if they don't find it by that night they will refund me. He did refund me, but I'm down three days now.
During this time, I decide I need to buy a new VR. I bought one on eBay from a vender that sells new item like the ones from Electrosport, and I went with new only because I want to make sure that item is not a problem. I paid for second day shipping for the item and was happy. Same day, I get an e-mail notification that the item was shipped. That made me happy. But two hours later, I get the sipping notification and instead of second day it was sent out ground. So I message the guy and ask what the deal is. He tells me that it was a shipping error and he would refund me the difference - which i haven't received yet.
Well, the day I get the notification about the first set of carbs I went ahead and tracked down a another set. Found one on this side of the US and ask them if they can ship it the same day. I didn't like the price but needed them so when they said they could ship I went ahead and bought. Now the real trouble starts. Then next day I get a shipping notification on the second set of carbs which means they did not ship like I asked about. So instead of getting the carbs last Saturday, I received them today. Or so I thought. I open the box and instead of carbs I have a set of Vortex ZX14 lowering links. What kind of flaming ass hole can mistake a set of lowering links for carbs. Seriously, was the guy playing with his dick too much and couldn't decide which one to through in the box or what? So I track down the seller and find a real store with a real number to call. Finally talk with someone and ask them to find the part and send it next day air because of the two f*ck ups they already did. I get this crap about it costing too much to ship that way but would I send the lowering links on to their correct purchaser. What moronic dip shit thinks that I'm just going to do that? An hour goes by and I get a phone call back saying he has the carbs in a box in front of him and is going to the post office. I ask him one more time about shipping over night because the cost is only $54 and I will cover the cost of shipping the lowering links on to the correct owner. He still says no. What a f*ck ass wipe. He continues saying how he's not making any money on the carbs for what they sold for.... I'm thinking this guy needs to pull his ball sack out of his wife's purse so he can make a good discission for once. I told him just to ship however he wanted to just to get him off the damn phone.

Man I tell you some people obviously just don't care how people perceive them anymore. In my former line of work it didn't matter if you spent as much on fixing a problem that you created as what the client paid for the product to begin with.

Sorry for being long winded. I'm just tired of people not making an effort any more.

Re: I hate eBay!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:30 pm
by megaloxana
What a toolbag...hell if i would be sending out the zx-14 links, unless i got some nice cash in my paypal from him.

Re: I hate eBay!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:04 pm
by the_finch
What a douchebag.

I'd personally flame his feedback after I got the carbs, and then list a set of ZX-14 lowering links I "happened" to have "laying about", and wouldn't care if I made anything off of them or not.

Re: I hate eBay!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:41 pm
I am firm believer in GOOD customer service. I will not go to place were i have received bad service. Without good customer service you WILL loose your customers and MONEY...............

Re: I hate eBay!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 2:44 pm
by Fartblood
They sound like a bunch of chumps. Fortunately, in nearly 300 ebay purchases I've only had 2 that were unsatisfactory, and all the FZR related purchases have been spot-on

Re: I hate eBay!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 3:03 pm
going through some ebay crap myself right now. I bought an r6 tail and it looks like someone threw a grenade in the box. mashed cracked and twisted. Shipping price was supposed to include ins and he b/s around a few days saying he was waiting to hear back from ups but i had the gut feeling he was feeding me crap so I had one of the ups guys at my work look the # up and see if that package was insured and of course it wasnt. So its a mess and im prob just gonna get screwed on the money and tail. So I feel ur pain man

Re: I hate eBay!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:23 pm
by Fizzinatorr
the good news is that you can leave negative feedback so people can know without having to fear getting screwed over more -thanks to e-bay feedback getting reformed

Re: I hate eBay!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:14 pm
by cad600
Ya guys. What is the deal with people. Hell, I would do anything I could to make something I messed up right. It's nice to know that there those of us that value customer service. Too bad it seems like the majority of the world is going down the tubes on that end.

Re: I hate eBay!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:37 pm
by 95FZR600
You know my problems the last week or two with parts on EBAY.

Got the R6 tank shipped to me w/out the gas cap. All the pics had it included. Moron says to should have a gas cap. LOL I have never owned an R6 tank, its for a new build.LOL

Subframe purchased with the battery tray showing in all the pics. When it gets to me there is no battery tray. He tells me that it was no good and he took it off to save money on shipping. He charged me $30 to ship and on the box it has $11.00. WTF is wrong w/people now a days!!


Re: I hate eBay!!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:24 pm
by mossy1200
I feel guilty when my items i sell from New Zealand even though i tell people on the auction delivery is 6-10days.
We have our own version of ebay called trademe.
Private sales are always the best ones.The worst are the home full time traders that dont warn you the products not even in New Zealand but in China.
They set there delivery costs to make it look like your paying overnight delivery.Then once you purchace you get the email stating 2-3weeks.WTF.
Sellers want to wisen up to the fact the money comes from other people that have some expectations of service of a reasonable standard.
Pack it properly(dont blame the mail man cause a headlight in a bubble bag broke),charge the correct freight,send it asap.Not to much to ask if your taking money off someone who had to go to work to earn it.
Im all Bi@@@ed out.

Re: I hate eBay!!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:34 am
by tkclow
R3Tard, if the seller is not working with you file a claim with Paypal, I have had to do that before and they are pretty good about it, they will contact seller and if they don't get a response from then they will refund you the money, granted when I had to do it I purchased an amp for someone at work and the asshole never shipped it, he gave no response to Paypal but there wasn't enough to cover the whole purchase in his account so Paypal sent me everything he had in the account. I didn't get all of it back but the asshole didn't get to keep it either.

Re: I hate eBay!!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:32 am
by 95FZR600
tkclow wrote:R3Tard, if the seller is not working with you file a claim with Paypal, I have had to do that before and they are pretty good about it, they will contact seller and if they don't get a response from then they will refund you the money, granted when I had to do it I purchased an amp for someone at work and the asshole never shipped it, he gave no response to Paypal but there wasn't enough to cover the whole purchase in his account so Paypal sent me everything he had in the account. I didn't get all of it back but the asshole didn't get to keep it either.

I did that with the subframe. Problem is I didnt do it right and they wanted me to send it back or cancel. So I cancelled the claim.

Re: I hate eBay!!!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:28 am
Man that blows , I too have ordered a hugger that was quoted for fzr and when i recieved it somme cheap piece of styrofoam that was cracked on where it mounts to swingarm .. i emailed the guy told him send me another he refused then left me back feedback for 2 purchases that made of him .. In todays world nothing is perfect but atleast they can try to be