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I need some help!!

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:41 pm
by fzrrider7
so I am getting my bike out for the season (1989 fzr600) and the battery was dead. so i charged it and tryed to fire her up but she wouldnt fire. It would turn over but just wouldnt fire. at first i thought it was bad gas so i put some fresh gas in the carbs. still no fire... there was no spark... the plugs were fresh at the end of the season last year. it was droped at the end of the season just cosmetic damage. I dont know if that would have anything to do with it...I have no clue what to do from here please if u have any ideas i would love the help!!! i dont know if it has anything to do with the digital ignitor? or if the points need to be redun or anything with that?

Re: I need some help!!

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:02 pm
by sweekster
Which side was it dropped on? Left or right? You might to check the coils for resistance. Make sure the the plug wires and boots are secure. Hopefully the fall didn't hurt the stator

Re: I need some help!!

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:51 pm
by fzrrider7
it was the right side it fell on. what is the stator? all the boots are on and secure there is absolutely no spark so i am wondering if it is anything like between the battery and the plugs? any ideas?

Re: I need some help!!

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:05 pm
by sweekster
The stator is the generator (works like an alternator ) and it's on the left side though. The coils are plugged in? How good is the charge on the battery? Do you feel anything from the ignition box when you try starting? If I remember correctly it should click.

Re: I need some help!!

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:38 am
by cad600
Yep, you should hear the computer click. It is difficult to hear with the fairings on though.

Do you hear the fuel pump clicking away as it tries to move gas into the carbs? Check your fuses as well - just because on this one. There is a section in the service manual that goes through the electrical system for start ups. You need a multi meter to go through this part and you can down load the manual if you don't have one.

You mentioned the drop damage was cosmetic, but you dropped the bike on the right side. That side has an engine cover on it that is increadably weak. It is called the starter cover (AKA peanut cover). Is it just scratched or is it broken? If it is broken, you need to take the cover off to look at the gears behind it to make sure they are OK, get another cover to put on, and change your oil.

Definatly go through the electrical starting system in the manual. This will help tell us what is wrong.