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1st race weekend pics

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:48 am
by China_Racer_1
Short and to the point. I got great pics and video I am workign on right now to post.

I crashed in the last lap 4 turns from the finish. Man I was doing about 200 km/h and jammed down to 100 for a left hander and got on the brakes too hard trying to out brake a guy I was dicing with. tucked the front and went

This is me on the #44 black NYPS (New York Pizza byt teh sSlice) bike. On the starting grid with a light spattering of rain and dark skys. The rtack felt evil that day. I am on a 05 Kawi 636.

Not a grweat pic but thats me in front of the other two bikes setting up for the 2nd of two lefts 1st is 100km/h second is 200 km/h

Here is a corner worker waiving a yellow flag
The guy piking up the bike???? yup thats me. I broke the shift linkage and could not continue. My arm hurt like a mother f*ck as well.


Not sure how hard you need to hit to do this to Titanium but I got a pretty good smack down.

My lovely Nadine - umbrella Girls for the event



Some long legged bitches the track supplied

For some reason I like this pic. Maybe because it is a candid shot. There are 30,000 = fans in the stands what an adrenaline and ego boost.

Re: 1st race weekend pics

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:57 am
by 95FZR600
Very cool. You tore up that titanium pretty good but with your girl by your side you can barely tell. LOL Excellent pics of all the fans in the stands. Do many of them cheer you?
Your 636 is pretty decked out as well. Keep us posted with these pics. Love them!

Re: 1st race weekend pics

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:23 am
by China_Racer_1
Huh had a bike under me? Fans Waht fans? I was too busy drooling over Nadine to see it. She was a hotty IMHO.

I had someone go to the shop yester day from Weisco piston New thread on that. they said "Hey I saw you on TV yesterday your number 44 bike right?" Man Iwas flored. someone in Shanghai recognized me form the grid shots on tv just before the flag dropped.

I found out the event was on tv on CCTV 5 which is like the only sports channel 24 - 7 in the whole country. So cool, good ego booster ha ha. I had so many frigin pictures taken of me I wil bein the Bike mags for sure. I got buddy buddy with a Columbian photorgrapher that was ther doing a piece on Chinese racing. This season is turning out to be a real good one despite my crash out.

I got to the F1 circuit on a partially sponsored ride tomorrow for two 30 minute sessions maybe three if there is time.

Re: 1st race weekend pics

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:26 am
by 95FZR600
WOW! Out fing standing. Keep up the celebrity status, you only live once. Any web site links we could checkout here that maybe your on? Can I get your autograph? LOL

Re: 1st race weekend pics

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:47 am
by ragedigital
That is so awesome! There is a ton of people there!

Congrats Steve... this is your season - I feel it!


Re: 1st race weekend pics

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:47 am
by zero9243
GOD i have yellow fever bad and you're taking all my medicine you mother f*ck!

Re: 1st race weekend pics

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:18 pm
by megaloxana
Man thats the real deal there Steve. That crowd is huge, I'd be nervous as hell. Who exactly owns the 636 anyway?

Dont worry about the crash, rough starts always end in great finishes. Good luck!

Re: 1st race weekend pics

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:09 am
by China_Racer_1
The 636 is owed by BG Performance Its bike rental for taining and has a few mechanical issues but I was there for publicity pics and all for my sponsor. he just cares that don't get busted up and what place is not a concern with him.

Thanks for the great coments. I was on TV all over thenation on the one sport channel they have so it was cool when Iw as at work and a vendor said HEY I saw you on TV yesterday your #44 bike right? big ego booster.... or did Imention that already?

Re: 1st race weekend pics

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:14 am
by megaloxana
I went to the bg-performance site and the first thing i saw was a picture you and Nadine floating around the top of the screen...nice

Re: 1st race weekend pics

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:48 am
by mossy1200
i have been trying to think of something constructive to say for the last few days.
I came up with BUGGER.
Im not that bright.
Back that result up with some podium finishes and you will soon forget you had a sore shoulder.
Theres not umbrellor chicks when i race(you lucky dog)
We use umbrellor to keep dry.LOL

Good luck for the next race.
Cheers Steve