1st race weekend pics
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:48 am
Short and to the point. I got great pics and video I am workign on right now to post.
I crashed in the last lap 4 turns from the finish. Man I was doing about 200 km/h and jammed down to 100 for a left hander and got on the brakes too hard trying to out brake a guy I was dicing with. tucked the front and went

This is me on the #44 black NYPS (New York Pizza byt teh sSlice) bike. On the starting grid with a light spattering of rain and dark skys. The rtack felt evil that day. I am on a 05 Kawi 636.

Not a grweat pic but thats me in front of the other two bikes setting up for the 2nd of two lefts 1st is 100km/h second is 200 km/h

Here is a corner worker waiving a yellow flag
The guy piking up the bike???? yup thats me. I broke the shift linkage and could not continue. My arm hurt like a mother f*ck as well.

Not sure how hard you need to hit to do this to Titanium but I got a pretty good smack down.

My lovely Nadine - umbrella Girls for the event

Some long legged bitches the track supplied

For some reason I like this pic. Maybe because it is a candid shot. There are 30,000 = fans in the stands what an adrenaline and ego boost.
I crashed in the last lap 4 turns from the finish. Man I was doing about 200 km/h and jammed down to 100 for a left hander and got on the brakes too hard trying to out brake a guy I was dicing with. tucked the front and went

This is me on the #44 black NYPS (New York Pizza byt teh sSlice) bike. On the starting grid with a light spattering of rain and dark skys. The rtack felt evil that day. I am on a 05 Kawi 636.

Not a grweat pic but thats me in front of the other two bikes setting up for the 2nd of two lefts 1st is 100km/h second is 200 km/h

Here is a corner worker waiving a yellow flag
The guy piking up the bike???? yup thats me. I broke the shift linkage and could not continue. My arm hurt like a mother f*ck as well.

Not sure how hard you need to hit to do this to Titanium but I got a pretty good smack down.

My lovely Nadine - umbrella Girls for the event

Some long legged bitches the track supplied

For some reason I like this pic. Maybe because it is a candid shot. There are 30,000 = fans in the stands what an adrenaline and ego boost.