GEARHEADS:- Rusted nuts removal
Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:31 am
I have been taking part in a discussion about the removal of rusted nuts & bolts
Personally I use "flat" coca-cola as a cleaner penetration fluid for rusted bits & pieces, failing not having that in the fridge (with kids yer right) I use a 50 / 50 mix of power steering fluid & acetone (nail polish remover)
From the list :-
Talk of penetrating oils; singing the praises of Kroil (wasn't that in
Conan?? led me to this;
Found this on a list, haven't chased down the source.. Anybody have it?
""The April/May 2007 edition of Machinist's Workshop did a test of
penetrating oils where they measured the force required to loosen rusty test
devices. Buy the issue if you want to see how they did the test. The results
reported were interesting. The lower the number of pounds the better. Mighty
interesting results for simple acetone and tranny fluid!
Penetrating oil . Average load .. Price per fluid ounce
None ................. 516 pounds .
WD-40 .............. 238 pounds .. $0.25
PB Blaster ......... 214 pounds .. $0.35
Liquid Wrench ... 127 pounds .. $0.21
Kano Kroil ........ 106 pounds .. $0.75
ATF-Acetone mix.. 53 pounds .. $0.10
The ATF-Acetone mix was a 50/50 mix (1 to 1 ratio)."
What do you guys use?
I have been taking part in a discussion about the removal of rusted nuts & bolts
Personally I use "flat" coca-cola as a cleaner penetration fluid for rusted bits & pieces, failing not having that in the fridge (with kids yer right) I use a 50 / 50 mix of power steering fluid & acetone (nail polish remover)
From the list :-
Talk of penetrating oils; singing the praises of Kroil (wasn't that in
Conan?? led me to this;
Found this on a list, haven't chased down the source.. Anybody have it?
""The April/May 2007 edition of Machinist's Workshop did a test of
penetrating oils where they measured the force required to loosen rusty test
devices. Buy the issue if you want to see how they did the test. The results
reported were interesting. The lower the number of pounds the better. Mighty
interesting results for simple acetone and tranny fluid!
Penetrating oil . Average load .. Price per fluid ounce
None ................. 516 pounds .
WD-40 .............. 238 pounds .. $0.25
PB Blaster ......... 214 pounds .. $0.35
Liquid Wrench ... 127 pounds .. $0.21
Kano Kroil ........ 106 pounds .. $0.75
ATF-Acetone mix.. 53 pounds .. $0.10
The ATF-Acetone mix was a 50/50 mix (1 to 1 ratio)."
What do you guys use?