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NH MOTORCYCLE law changes proposed TIME TO ACT

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:30 am
by yamaha_george
Here you go nh guys and gals....




AN ACT relative to motorcycle equipment and noise levels.

SPONSORS: Rep. J. Day, Rock 13; Rep. Henson, Rock 13; Rep. Kepner, Rock 15

COMMITTEE: Transportation


This bill:

I. Prohibits motorcycle exhaust modifications.

II. Reduces permissible motorcycle noise levels.

III. Increases maximum fines for motorcycle noise violations.

IV. Requires motorcycles to have functioning tachometers.


In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Nine

AN ACT relative to motorcycle equipment and noise levels.

Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:

1 New Paragraph; Motorcycle Muffler Modifications. Amend RSA 266:59 by inserting after paragraph IV the following new paragraph:

V.(a) No person shall modify the exhaust system of a motorcycle in any manner.

(b) No person shall drive on a way a motorcycle that has after market equipment installed to replace the muffler.

(c) Any person who violates the provisions of this paragraph shall be guilty of a violation and shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500.

2 Motorcycle Noise Levels. Amend RSA 266:59-a to read as follows:

266:59-a Motorcycle Noise Levels.

I. No person shall operate a motorcycle which has a measured noise level of more than [106] 95 decibels on the decibel meter when measured 20 inches from the exhaust pipe at a 45 degree angle while the engine is operating at 2,800 revolutions per minute for one and 2 cylinder motorcycles and 3,500 revolutions per minute for any motorcycle with 3 or more cylinders.

II. No person shall pass for the purposes of the inspection required by RSA 266:1 any motorcycle which has a measured noise level of more than [106] 95 decibels on the decibel meter when measured 20 inches from the exhaust pipe at a 45 degree angle while the engine is operating at 2,800 revolutions per minute for one and 2 cylinder motorcycles and 3,500 revolutions per minute for any motorcycle with 3 or more cylinders.

II-a. No person shall operate in this state any motorcycle which produces a sound level in excess of [106] 95 decibels on the A scale, when measured in accordance with the provisions of the Society of Automotive Engineers Recommended Practice ANSI/SAE J-1287 annual report on "Measurement of Exhaust Sound Levels of Stationary Motorcycles."

III. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a violation and shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than [$300] $500.

3 New Section; Equipment of Vehicles; Motorcycles; Tachometer. Amend RSA 266 by inserting after section 77 the following new section:

266:77-a Tachometer. No person shall drive on a way a motorcycle without a functioning tachometer. Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a violation and shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500.

4 Effective Date. This act shall take effect January 1, 2010.

Re: NH MOTORCYCLE law changes proposed TIME TO ACT

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:50 pm
by megaloxana

Re: NH MOTORCYCLE law changes proposed TIME TO ACT

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:00 pm
by mike94fzr600
wow that sux. exhaust maker are going to have a harder time selling exhaust system.

Re: NH MOTORCYCLE law changes proposed TIME TO ACT

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:19 pm
by ragedigital
mike94fzr600 wrote:wow that sux. exhaust maker are going to have a harder time selling exhaust system.
They'll just have to get real creative...

Re: NH MOTORCYCLE law changes proposed TIME TO ACT

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:46 pm
by TomGun
What ever happened to "Live free or Die" our State motto. Gezz.. :yuck:

Re: NH MOTORCYCLE law changes proposed TIME TO ACT

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:14 pm
by reelrazor
Yeah, well to say "it sux" or "whatever happened to my state?"...You ARE your state. I would suggest bombing out some emails to your representatives at the state house. Stop by the dealers and see if anyone has organized an information campaign against this. It doesn't take effect until Jan. 1st 2010. I DOESN'T have to take effect if there's enough protest against it.

The more local an issue is the more of a chance that 'we the people' have to make it change. Hunter S Thompson defined politics as "the art of manipulating your environment".

Re: NH MOTORCYCLE law changes proposed TIME TO ACT

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:18 pm
by mike94fzr600
alittle off topic but how do we look up stuff like this for our own state? i have try a few times but sem to get way off track

Re: NH MOTORCYCLE law changes proposed TIME TO ACT

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:32 pm
by TomGun
And another thing, yes it is a useless Bill. I think the government needs to be looking into more useful ways to generate revenue. Most of the people in this State (New Hampshire) have already modified their exhaust. And if you lived in this area of the country you would know what I mean. Bit by bit "the people" are losing their rights. You can bet "the people" will be fighting this useless BS bill. Including me. :mad(

"Live free or Die"

Re: NH MOTORCYCLE law changes proposed TIME TO ACT

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:40 pm
by haunter
buncha carp

thats a lower DB than cars are allowed to have in IL

Re: NH MOTORCYCLE law changes proposed TIME TO ACT

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:45 pm
by reelrazor
Hey Tom.

I would make sure to point out that joe car owner has the option to run down to Tuffy/Advance/Autozone/Midas/any aftermarket auto supplier and get a $30 tin barrel and throw it under his ride and be good....but WE MOTORCYCLISTS are forced to buy ONLY OEM at $680 or whatever(which will GO UP when they know you HAVE TO HAVE IT!) ? Discrimination pure and simple!

I really think they(from their side) screwed up and made it a moise issue and not an emissions issue.

Re: NH MOTORCYCLE law changes proposed TIME TO ACT

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:53 pm
by the_finch
reelrazor wrote:Hey Tom.

I would make sure to point out that joe car owner has the option to run down to Tuffy/Advance/Autozone/Midas/any aftermarket auto supplier and get a $30 tin barrel and throw it under his ride and be good....but WE MOTORCYCLISTS are forced to buy ONLY OEM at $680 or whatever(which will GO UP when they know you HAVE TO HAVE IT!) ? Discrimination pure and simple!

I really think they(from their side) screwed up and made it a moise issue and not an emissions issue.
Yeah, not to mention that older bikes are impossible to find oem exhausts for...try one of those 70's RD350's like George has. If you can find the 30+year old exhaust, it'll probably be full of holes, and a dealer would just laugh at you if you tried to order one...

Most areas have "disturbing the peace" laws that they use when an exhaust is too loud, car, truck, bike or whatever. A good friend of mine (professional welder who's dad owns a dairy farm he works at currently) has a Dodge Ram 2500. When he had no mufflers, he'd have to refigure his route home to avoud areas where cops gave him tickets all the time. Harleys with straight pipes get ticketed all the time for riding a little too loud in neighborhoods after dark.

Another problem is that not every bike has a tachometer from the factory, such as my best friend's 2008 Sportster 883. my2cents

Re: NH MOTORCYCLE law changes proposed TIME TO ACT

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:59 pm
by mike94fzr600
its the same thing they did to the fart can people a few years back it will turn into nothing unless the cop wants to be a :swear

Re: NH MOTORCYCLE law changes proposed TIME TO ACT

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:38 pm
by yamaha_george
the_finch wrote:ions issue.
Yeah, not to mention that older bikes are impossible to find oem exhausts for...try one of those 70's RD350's like George has. If you can find the 30+year old exhaust, it'll probably be full of holes, and a dealer would just laugh at you if you tried to order one...

Most areas have "disturbing the peace" laws that they use when an exhaust is too loud, car, truck, bike or whatever. A good friend of mine (professional welder who's dad owns a dairy farm he works at currently) has a Dodge Ram 2500. When he had no mufflers, he'd have to refigure his route home to avoud areas where cops gave him tickets all the time. Harleys with straight pipes get ticketed all the time for riding a little too loud in neighborhoods after dark.

Another problem is that not every bike has a tachometer from the factory, such as my best friend's 2008 Sportster 883. my2cents[/quote]

The odd thing is I can buy the pipes for the RD's from the guys who own ALLSPEED now who make to the original drawings. I cannot buy a standard FZR over the counter though Go figure.

The protest is from the rich folks around some race track in NH wanting the noise down so they use a sledge hammer on a peanut.
the local govt see it as fund raising to get back in power and the bikers (ugly renegade sub humans )will make soft targets for revenue collection via fines.

I got that kinda discrimination here where I live until they got hit by my fave lawyer who rode on his hardley and they pissed him off and he hit them with the letter of the law in an awfully big book LoL

Re: NH MOTORCYCLE law changes proposed TIME TO ACT

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 11:48 pm
by noshoes
Its because of all those pos HD's with no baffles ..........The law now is 105 dbs @ 3000 for 4 cyl and 2000 rpms for a 2 cyl...........