The Stickler...
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:21 pm
Searching for wood stoves on ebay I found this auction: ... dZViewItem
This device is supposed to mount to the hub of a vehicle and act as a giant corkscrew. So when you get back in the woods, you put your truck on jackstands to attach your new stickler. The first few logs go allright while you are pushing them onto a giant diesel powered death screw, but on one of the last ones, your coat becomes hung in the stickler. Your arm is violently ripped from your torso! The first thing you think is you should get to a hospital, fast. Only problem, your truck is on jackstands with a giant corkscrew attached so your stuck in the woods and DIE a horrible death.
Product FAIL. Who would buy such a thing?

This probably should have been in the open forum... Mods, move if you wish.
This device is supposed to mount to the hub of a vehicle and act as a giant corkscrew. So when you get back in the woods, you put your truck on jackstands to attach your new stickler. The first few logs go allright while you are pushing them onto a giant diesel powered death screw, but on one of the last ones, your coat becomes hung in the stickler. Your arm is violently ripped from your torso! The first thing you think is you should get to a hospital, fast. Only problem, your truck is on jackstands with a giant corkscrew attached so your stuck in the woods and DIE a horrible death.

Product FAIL. Who would buy such a thing?
This probably should have been in the open forum... Mods, move if you wish.