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i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 3:39 pm
by abs929cbrrr
...ran into some trouble yesterday. came came after us doing the speed limit. passed my buddy on a R1 on a double yellow line..pointed at me to get over and well...he didnt like where my plate was...15 mins later i got a $78 fine for no inspection...guy was rude and nasty...i am not riding in that town far as inspection...i am not getting one, no trouble in the last 5 years but this asswhole who just had to ruin 3 guys ride. ... d=45336964
and yes thats the RR and me beind the cop.....

Re: i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:32 pm
man your an Outlaw Now , wheres Deputy? .. Zap him with that lazer see how fast he was really going ...

Re: i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:34 pm
by shift
why not just get an inspection. seems foolish to leave them a reason to issue a ticket to you.

Re: i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:57 pm
by manveru
whats this talk about an inspection? no such thing in my state
Re: i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:00 pm
by mike94fzr600
manveru wrote:whats this talk about an inspection? no such thing in my state
yea what are they looking for or at?
Re: i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:17 pm
by abs929cbrrr
he didnt like where my plate was wont pass since the rear tire is alil low right now. ill get it inspected next year.
Re: i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:19 pm
by shredex
the cops here in pasco dont really care about bikes much, I go by them going 20 over the speed limit and they just sit there. And a buddy of mine was doing wheelies without a helmet or glasses when a cop drove by. So yea, Im pretty lucky where I live


Re: i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:28 pm
by PAFizzer600
§ 175.160. Inspection procedure.
(a) External inspection. An external inspection shall be performed as follows:
(1) Verify ownership, legality and proof of financial responsibility. For the purpose of this subchapter, ownership and legality shall be proven by a vehicle registration card, certificate of title or manufacturer’s statement of origin. Reject if one or more of the following apply:
(i) When vehicle ownership and legality are demonstrated by presentation of certificate of title or manufacturer’s statement of origin:
(A) The VIN is not in agreement with the vehicle registration card, title or manufacturer’s statement of origin. Exception: If only one digit is incorrect or two digits are transposed, and the owner provides evidence that the appropriate Department form has been completed to correct an error or transposition.
(B) The VIN plate is not securely fastened or is defaced, misplaced or missing.
(ii) When vehicle ownership and legality are demonstrated by presentation of vehicle registration card.
(A) The license plate is not in agreement with the numbers on the vehicle registration card. Exception: If only one digit is incorrect or two digits are transposed, and the owner provides evidence that the appropriate Department form has been completed to correct an error or transposition.
(B) The license plate is hanging loosely from its mounting bracket.
(C) The license plate is obscured so that the numbers cannot be identified.
(D) The license plate lamp, if so equipped, does not illuminate the license plate.
(iii) Acceptable proof of financial responsibility is not provided. For the purpose of this chapter, financial responsibility shall be proven by one of the following documents:
(A) A valid financial responsibility identification card issued in accordance with 31 Pa. Code (relating to insurance).
(B) The declaration page of a valid insurance policy.
(C) A valid self-insurance identification card.
(D) A valid binder of insurance issued by an insurance company licensed to sell motor vehicle liability insurance in this Commonwealth.
(E) A valid insurance policy issued by an insurance company licensed to sell motor vehicle liability insurance in this Commonwealth.
(2) Check the glazing.
(i) Reject if one or more of the following apply:
(A) Approved safety glazing is not used in the windscreen.
(B) A sign, poster or other material whose design prevents a driver from seeing through the material, obstructs, obscures or impairs the driver’s clear view of the highway or an intersecting highway.
(C) A vehicle displays a sticker other than those prescribed under § 175.147(c) (relating to glazing), or displays a parking sticker in a location described in § 175.147(d).
(D) The glass is shattered, broken or has any exposed sharp edges.
(E) There are defects in an acute area of the windscreen—center of the critical area on the driver’s side of the vehicle directly in the driver’s normal line of vision, 8 1/2 inches wide and 5 1/2 inches high—or discolorations or hazardous cracks which would interfere with the driver’s vision.
(ii) This paragraph does not prohibit the use of a product or material along the top edge of the windscreen as long as the product or material is transparent and does not encroach upon the AS-1 portion of the windscreen as provided by FMVSS No. 205, and the product or material is not more than 3 inches from the top of the windscreen.
(3) Check the mirrors and reject if one or more of the following apply:
(i) The mirror is cracked, broken or discolored.
(ii) The mirror will not hold adjustment.
(iii) The mirror does not provide a minimum reflective surface of 12 1/2 square inches for a flat mirror or 10 square inches for a convex mirror.
(iv) Outside rearview mirrors, with a minimum reflective surface as described in § 175.148(b) (relating to mirrors), are not installed on both sides of the motorcycle, if a certificate of exemption for a sun screening device or other material has been issued by the Department. See § 175.264 (relating to mirrors). A vehicle for which a certificate of exemption has been issued for medical reasons may be equipped with only a left outside rearview mirror, unless originally equipped with an outside rearview mirror on both sides of the vehicle.
(4) Check the fenders and reject if any of the following apply:
(i) A fender—front or rear—has been removed.
(ii) A fender is not of a type and size used as original equipment.
(5) Check the flooring and floor beds if applicable and reject if any of the following apply:
(i) The flooring or floor beds are not in a condition constructed to support occupants and cargo.
(ii) The floor pan is rusted through so as to cause a hazard to occupants or to permit exhaust gases to enter passenger compartment.
(6) Check the lamps and lenses and reject if one or more of the following apply:
(i) An exterior bulb or sealed beam, if originally equipped or installed, fails to light properly, except ornamental lights.
(ii) The turn signal lamps do not flash between 60—120 flashes per minute.
(iii) The turn signal lamps do not properly indicate right or left when so switched.
(iv) The lamp shows a color contrary to Tables IV or V (relating to required motor vehicle lighting equipment; and location of required equipment), as applicable.
(v) The lamp or filament indicated at switch position does not light when the correct switch indicates the lamp should be on.
(vi) The lamp has a missing or broken lens.
(vii) A required lamp is missing.
(viii) Auxiliary equipment is placed on, in or front of any lamp.
(ix) The fog lamps operate with the high beams of headlamps.
(x) Auxiliary driving lamps operate with the low beam of the standard headlamp system or alone.
(xi) The headlamps are out of adjustment as follows:
(A) Mechanical aimer, if any of the following apply:
(I) Horizontal aim is more than 4 inches to the left or right.
(II) Vertical aim is higher or lower than 4 inches from the center.
(B) Screen or photo electric type tester. See Charts 1—3 (relating to aiming screen distance and marking identification; high beam inspection limits; and low beam inspection limits).
(I) Turn the lamps on high beam and reject if the center of the beam is horizontally more than 4 inches to the right or left of straight ahead or if the center of the light beam is vertically more than 4 inches above or below the horizontal line.
(II) Turn the lamps on low beam and reject if the upper edge of beam is more than 4 inches above or below the horizontal centerline of the headlamp or if the inner edge of the beam is more than 4 inches to the right or left of the vertical line.
(7) Check for protruding metal and reject if torn metal, glass or other loose or dislocated parts protrude from the surface of the vehicle so as to create a hazard.
(8) Check the fuel tank cap and reject if the fuel tank filler cap is missing.
(b) Internal inspection. An internal inspection shall be performed as follows:
(1) Check the high beam and turn signal indicator lights and reject if the indicator lights are not working.
(2) Check the horn and reject if any of the following apply:
(i) There is no horn or other acceptable audible warning device.
(ii) The horn or other warning device is not audible under normal conditions for a distance of not less than 200 feet.
(iii) The vehicle is equipped with a siren, bell, whistle or a device emitting harsh or unreasonably loud sound, except on emergency vehicles and vehicles equipped with an anti-theft device.
(3) Check the brake system by doing visual inspection. If the vehicle is equipped with view ports or mechanical brake wear indicators, wheels do not have to be pulled but the mechanic shall determine if lining should be replaced. Reject if one or more of the following apply:
(i) Brake control travel exceeds 80% of total available travel.
(ii) Brake control fades while the vehicle is stopped.
(iii) There is excessive friction in the control linkage or components or control levers are misaligned or improperly positioned.
(iv) The drums or rotors are scored deeper than .015 inch.
(v) There is mechanical damage other than wear.
(vi) The inside diameter of the drum is greater than the maximum diameter stamped on the drum or greater than .090 inch over the original drum diameter for unmarked drums.
(vii) The disc thickness is less than the minimum stamped on assembly or less than the manufacturer’s specifications.
(viii) The bonded linings are less than 1/32 inch at the thinnest point.
(ix) The riveted linings are less than 1/32 inch above the rivet head at the thinnest point.
(x) The lining is broken; not firmly attached to the shoe; or contaminated with oil, grease or another substance that would affect proper brake operation.
(xi) The master cylinder leaks.
(xii) The hydraulic hoses or lines leak or are disconnected, flattened or restricted.
(xiii) The hydraulic booster for the power brake system is leaking or inoperative or has excessively worn belts.
(xiv) Mechanical indicator shows that pads should be replaced.
(4) Check the motor mounts and reject if motor mounts are broken, cracked or missing.
(5) Check the fuel systems and controls and reject if any of the following apply:
(i) There is liquid fuel leakage at any point in the system.
(ii) Part of the fuel line is not securely fastened.
(iii) A fuel tank or line was not specifically designed or manufactured as a fuel tank or line.
(iv) A fuel line is in contact with a high temperature surface or moving part.
(v) The fuel tank line intrudes into a driver, passenger or cargo compartment, except if the vehicle was originally so designed. If the vehicle is equipped with an alternate fuel system, see Subchapter M (relating to alternate fuel systems and controls).
(vi) The throttle does not return to the idle position when the actuating force is removed.
(c) Beneath the vehicle inspection. A beneath the vehicle inspection shall be performed as follows:
(1) Inspect the tires and wheels and reject if one or more of the following apply:
(i) A tire has two adjacent treads with less than 2/32-inch tread remaining at any point.
(ii) A tire is worn so that tread wear indicators contact the road in any two adjacent grooves.
(iii) Part of the ply or cord is exposed.
(iv) A tire has been repaired with a blow-out patch or boot.
(v) There is a bump, bulge or separation.
(vi) A tire is marked ‘‘not for highway use,’’ ‘‘for racing purposes only’’ or ‘‘unsafe for highway use,’’ or has a similar designation.
(vii) There are other conditions or markings reasonably believed to render a tire unsafe for highway use.
(viii) A tire has been regrooved or recut.
(ix) The wheel nuts or bolts are missing or loose or have improper thread engagement.
(x) The stud or bolt holes are worn out of round.
(xi) Part of the wheel is bent, cracked, welded or damaged so as to affect safe operation of vehicle.
(xii) The rear wheel does not track front wheel track in the straight ahead position within 1 inch to either side, except for three-wheeled vehicles which must track as originally designed.
(xiii) Studded tires are in use after April 15 and before November 1.
(xiv) A tire extends beyond the outer edge of the wheel housing or exceeds the manufacturer’s specifications as to size.
(2) Inspect the steering system and reject if any of the following apply:
(i) The front wheel geometry of a motorcycle with a single front wheel does not meet the following specifications as to rake and trail:
(A) Maximum rake: 45 degrees; maximum trail: 14 inches positive.
(B) Minimum rake: 20 degrees; minimum trail: 2 inches positive.
(ii) The handlebars or grips are higher than operator’s shoulder level when properly seated upon motorcycle.
(iii) The handlebars of each motorcycle are not of sturdy construction.
(iv) The handlebars restrict front fork movement.
(v) The handlebars do not provide a minimum of 18 inches between grip ends.
(vi) The handlebars are not equipped with grips of nonslip design and material.
(vii) The measured movement at the front or rear of the tire is greater than 1/4 inch in relation to the axle shaft.
(viii) The linkage components are not secured with cotter pins or other suitable devices.
(ix) The steering stops allow a tire to rub on the frame or chassis parts.
(x) The front wheel is incapable of being turned to the right and left steering stops without binding or interference.
(3) Inspect the suspension system and reject if any of the following apply:
(i) The shock absorbers are missing.
(ii) The shock absorbers’ mounting bolts or mounts are broken.
(iii) The shock absorbers have severe leakage—not slight dampness.
(iv) The vehicle continues free rocking after release, indicating loss of the shock absorber function.
(4) Inspect the vehicle frame and reject if any of the following apply:
(i) The vehicle frame is not in solid condition.
(ii) A repair is made with tape, tar paper or cloth, or is made in another temporary manner.
(iii) The frame components are missing, cracked, rotted or broken or are in deteriorated or dangerous condition.
(iv) The chain guard or other covering device is missing.
(v) The motorcycle stand does not operate or is not strong enough to support the vehicle.
(vi) A hand-hold device is not provided if the motorcycle is designed to carry more than one person.
(vii) Footrests are not provided for each person operating or riding upon vehicle.
(viii) The highway bars exceed the maximum width of 26 inches or are located more than 15 inches from the foot controls.
(5) Inspect the exhaust system and reject if one or more of the following apply:
(i) The vehicle has no muffler or muffler has external repair.
(ii) There are loose or leaking joints.
(iii) There are holes, cracks or leaking seams in exhaust system.
(iv) There is a muffler cutout or similar device.
(v) Part of the exhaust system passes through the occupant compartment.
(vi) The elements are not securely fastened with proper clamps and hangers.
(vii) The exposed exhaust system does not have adequate heat shield or protective system or is not located to prevent contact with riders.
(6) Check the battery and reject if the battery is not securely fastened.
(d) Road test. Perform a road test and reject if one or more of the following apply:
(1) The vehicle is not capable of stopping within the maximum stopping distance prescribed in Table I (relating to brake performance).
(2) There is a malfunction of the braking or steering mechanism—particularly shimmy, wander and pull—or another questionable operating behavior that affects safe operation of vehicle.
(3) The speedometer does not operate.
(4) The odometer does not operate except on motorcycles at least 25 years old.
(5) The vehicle cannot be driven forward.
^^^^^PENNSYLVANIA ^^^^^^
Re: i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:04 pm
by 95FZR600
ABS, could of been worse!
Re: i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:35 pm
by abs929cbrrr
yeah...i could of done the wheelie thru the green light like i was gonna do.........that would of really set him off.
Re: i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:00 pm
by manveru
wow, thats a lot of stuff to be inspected. The most we have i think is a "fix it ticket" where if the cop sees something wrong with your vehicle(lights, windshield, etc.) he could write you a ticket that you'll have to pay unless you fix it and prove it.
Re: i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 10:00 pm
by reelrazor
I think I am all for vehicle inspections. I see waaaay to many hoopties out there on the road...tailgates flapping in the breeze...rusted out fenders wagging around.....mufflers hanging low (and you just know they're gonna end up in the road)...
Not just 'cages' either. I see bikes running on corded or squared off tires..bikes running with so much fork oil on both sides of the engine, you know none is left in the forks
Re: i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 12:04 am
man thats one hell of a list just to get inspection , if that was the case in Michigan , i would just get my vehicle tagged in another state .. forget that shit
Re: i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:21 am
by megaloxana beginning to think you work for the DMV

Re: i dont law but the law likes me, dont like the law, the law
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 6:01 am
by PAFizzer600

. no mega, i just had to know what i needed to fix on my fiz before it was inspected
really they're just making sure the bike is safe, if you've taken care of it at all really all they're going to do is check the frame over, the lights, signals, tires, steering, brakes and throttle, fork seals, and send you on your way. It takes just a few minutes.