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Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:28 am
by 1BadFZR600
Do any of yall DEER hunt......Ive had my food plot and feeeder up and running for a month now......Let me upload some pics of the So. GA deer.......

Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:38 am
by ThisEndUp
I deer hunt with my car. (well, not on purpose).
$3000 damages last fall.
Damn things are so stupid....until your out in the woods trying to hunt them.
Bag a few for me.

Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:40 am
by tommyj27
I don't hunt, but my family does. I just eat it! I heard the deer down South are so small they're barely worth shooting at. Maybe that's just TX.
Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:54 am
by 1BadFZR600
There are alot of deer here...Some are small and some are big...These are just deer in my woods....
Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:01 am
I'm originally from ft wayne in and now live in dalton ga and yes the deer down south are smaller and they taste much gamier also but I dont hunt
Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:23 am
by yamaha_george
R3TARD wrote:I'm originally from ft wayne in and now live in dalton ga and yes the deer down south are smaller and they taste much gamier also but I dont hunt
In the south and you do not hunt must be damned Yankees.
I used to hunt when I was in Indian Springs GA and based at Bragg, also we hunt in Trinidad but the deer are not big but they sure do eat nice :-}, also iguana, possum, tapia.
Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:40 am
by 95FZR600
Damn! I need to come your way. i lost my lease last year and was going to hunt WMA's. Is that your property? Any visitors aloud top come?
Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:52 am
by 1BadFZR600
Father-in-law's 128 acres.....That pic was 75yds from my front door.... Yea I got deer all over.. And I cant even sneak my brother in.. He is very funny about hunting.. But I take the time to prepare the land and do all the up keeping so I get to hunt.... Ive got some great area's set up... I cant wait . My feeder operates 30 min before sunset and the deer know it and start coming in there about that time...... I was checking it the other day and watched one coming to the feeder... felt wierd sneaking AWAY from the deer.. In 2 weeks I will be sneaking UP to them...

Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:59 pm
by ian
yamaha_george wrote:R3TARD wrote:I'm originally from ft wayne in and now live in dalton ga and yes the deer down south are smaller and they taste much gamier also but I dont hunt
In the south and you do not hunt must be damned Yankees.
I used to hunt when I was in Indian Springs GA and based at Bragg, also we hunt in Trinidad but the deer are not big but they sure do eat nice :-}, also iguana, possum, tapia.
Whoa now, don't be calling us boys from the south yankees! we take offense to that!

Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:21 pm
by tommyj27
I also don't think feeders are as popular in the North; at least not in the group that my family hunts with. It's always been sit in a stand freezing your ass off for hours waiting to see what wanders past your sights, or push through the woods trying to shake them out.
Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:22 pm
by ian
feeders are cheating!
Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:48 pm
by 1BadFZR600
No its not..........I feed the deer a little all the time..But more in winter months cause farmers around here plant alot of tobacco and cotton and a little peanuts and corn so I have to help the animals out.. And I wont shoot a spike or a 4 pt...I wait til 8pt and above......
Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 3:53 pm
by reelrazor
Hell boys,
I've already eaten venison...what are you waiting on?!!
Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:58 pm
by 95FZR600
Feeding is not cheating. Your getting them the right nutrients to them so when you kill them its better eating.
We can bow hunt right now in North Georgia. And muzzle season is this weekend. I only rifle hunt. Cant wait. Going to Alabama to hunt at a friends property. 8000 acres and camper and tree stands already set up. Thats not until November.
My first kill was a doe and shot it from about 50 yards and I used an Ak-47. No scope just iron sights. It only ran 25 feet before dropping.
Re: Who is ready for DEER Season?
Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:10 pm
by megaloxana
Last year was my first season hunting. Had no luck whatso ever though. Hopefully that changes this year.