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Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 5:37 pm
by megaloxana
So i got home from college and got the ole' fizzer out to try to get it running for the summer, I hit up fzrarchives forum and its Anyway does anyone know if NaeSLaS is still around? I saw he re-did his website but it doesn't have any of his how-to's and stuff.
Re: naeslas?
Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 5:38 pm
by ragedigital
I need to see if he can come and share his knowledge here again...
Re: naeslas?
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 11:40 pm
by Fizzerbabe
He's not coming back until he and his g/f break up...she has completely whipped him

. We used to be really close, but started seeing her, and started ignoring any/all PM's, emails, phonecalls, text messages, etc. etc. That was over a year ago now....
Re: naeslas?
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 8:22 am
by M in KC
umm, (rolls his eyes) since naeslas' site was so unstable I printed all his stuff of one day when it was up. Granted an electronic version of this info would be better than paper but one has to start somewhere. The couple of times I PM'ed him he responded. Maybe he was in between relationships. If you can't find what you're looking for there PM me and I'll try and help you out. But note I'll be at Deals Gap asphault surfing the 6 and my H2 next week so I will be out of pocket. I'll throw up the shocker rocker and see if Killboy will put me up on the front page for the following week while I represent the FZR community. Rage we need the shocker smilie bro!
Re: naeslas?
Posted: Tue May 20, 2008 11:19 am
by abs929cbrrr
if he dumped his bike i do not think he will come back, he didnt post on the archives for like a year. i think its safe to say he fell of the face of the earth.
Re: naeslas?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:35 am
by thatkid
Fizzerbabe wrote:He's not coming back until he and his g/f break up...she has completely whipped him

. We used to be really close, but started seeing her, and started ignoring any/all PM's, emails, phonecalls, text messages, etc. etc. That was over a year ago now....
So not a true statement. Naes stopped posting at the archives because of all the bullshit and drama that kept going on. He got tired of it and walked away. Had nothing to do with his gf or being "whipped".
I still talk to him and still get electrical help from him. He's happy to help with issues if you email him and does respond to all emails. He's a busy guy though so responses sometime take time. He might be able to be convinced to come back now that it's a new beginning and hopefully no drama, but who knows. He's working on a project bike and is rather secretive about it so I'm not sure he would be posting much up anyhow.
Re: naeslas?
Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 6:09 am
by megaloxana
thatkid wrote:Fizzerbabe wrote:He's not coming back until he and his g/f break up...she has completely whipped him

. We used to be really close, but started seeing her, and started ignoring any/all PM's, emails, phonecalls, text messages, etc. etc. That was over a year ago now....
So not a true statement. Naes stopped posting at the archives because of all the bullshit and drama that kept going on. He got tired of it and walked away. Had nothing to do with his gf or being "whipped".
I still talk to him and still get electrical help from him. He's happy to help with issues if you email him and does respond to all emails. He's a busy guy though so responses sometime take time. He might be able to be convinced to come back now that it's a new beginning and hopefully no drama, but who knows. He's working on a project bike and is rather secretive about it so I'm not sure he would be posting much up anyhow.
Well thats good news. Perhaps you should inform him of our location. It would be a pleasure to have him around again, great guy.