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whata bunch of CROCK

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:53 am
so i was searching ebay lastnight , and come across another gsxr shock , $.99 for shock , knuckle , and brackets .. NO WHERE DID IT STATE ANYTHING ABOUT SHIPPING QUOTES OR ANYTHIN, so i email the guy BTW he had a yzf600 engine for sale also , on that it stated it can be pickd up , But on this shock it didnt have nothing stated about shipping except , check with seller or email him .. so i emailed him before the auction was over , no reply ..
i won the auction for $6 .. the guys sends me an invoice today for $30 shipping and GET THIS he lives 1 mile away from me .. Well i emailed him telling that i live 1 mile away from him and that i could even pay him cash so he doesnt get charges from paypal .. No reply just another invoice for the shipping amount also .. Now im pissed ... i have his address and am very much thinking about going over to his address and asking him to speak to m in person since he wont call me on the phone # ive sent him in the 3 previous emails.... what should i do ? what would you do ?? i have perfect ebay record and dont want this lil BS to mess it up ..but i refuse to pay 30 for shipping this guy trying to ream me becuase i got the shock so cheap now he tryin to make up on the back end which i think is F*K*D up ..

Re: whata bunch of CROCK

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:59 am
by tommyj27
FWIW, I think ebay changed their policy so that sellers can't retaliate (with negative feedback) for any negative feedback you leave them.

Re: whata bunch of CROCK

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:15 am
tommyj27 wrote:FWIW, I think ebay changed their policy so that sellers can't retaliate (with negative feedback) for any negative feedback you leave them.
i know , just dont want that non-paying strike on my record

Re: whata bunch of CROCK

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:57 am
they are right ebay changed it where sellers cannot leave buyers bad feedback. I would pay the 6 $ and show up at his door for it.

Re: whata bunch of CROCK

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:15 am
i tried but now he changed the invoice with the 30 shipping added to it

Re: whata bunch of CROCK

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:29 am
by haunter
weak what a homo

Re: whata bunch of CROCK

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:48 am
by sweekster
I'm curious...Why did you buy another shock?

Re: whata bunch of CROCK

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:13 am
by 95FZR600
Since you tried to reach him by phone and no answer I would go over to the address he has listed and pick up your item. I would not pay for shipping on it either.

Re: whata bunch of CROCK

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:40 am
by docrider
check into if you can file a payment dispute thru ebay if he will not answer your calls and e-mails to see if something can be done or if there is another kind of dispute to be done to get this resolved since the guy wants to throw a hissy fit and overcharge you for shipping since his item didn't sell for what he wanted it to sell for

Re: whata bunch of CROCK

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:57 am
by megaloxana
Id say go to his house but that could turn south quick.

Re: whata bunch of CROCK

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 1:25 pm
sweekster wrote:I'm curious...Why did you buy another shock?
well i was actually looking at an engine he had, then i looked at other items he had it was 99 cents i said wha the hell put a big for 10bucksmax because it has a gsxr knuckle and top mounting brackt which i seen some kid used on archives to bolt the top up flush instead of using spacers so i thought id give it a try..

He just emailed me back telling me to set up a time to pick it up .. guess he figured that 30 shipping to and address 2 miles away was really weird .. its all good now i feel much better .. back to work lol

Re: whata bunch of CROCK

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:48 pm
by 95FZR600
Good deal!

Re: whata bunch of CROCK

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:23 pm
by NHFZR600
you pick up the shock? how did it go? B

Re: whata bunch of CROCK

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:59 pm
Yes i got it , gave him $7 told him keep the change and thanked him for tryin to juice me on the shipping ... he said my bad .. said it was a misunderstanding , but i told him the auction ended at 1130 pm i emailed him at 7pm asking if i could come look at an yzf engine he was selling . , he emails me at 11:05 telling me the auctions almost over nothing else , im gonna see if i can swap springs out , hopefully . but i paid 50 bucks for my 1st shock because the seller said he swap the spring for a 250LB rider , the spring on my bike has more coils then this one i guess thats where there differnce is ..this is the one i just picked up

it has like six coils in it

this is what i actually bought the shock for
this bracket im going to cut the top threaded part off and shave the sides down

th knuckle wont fit

this is my shock in the bike see it has more coils
this is where i drilled too much out bonkonhead

then i decided drill more and used the undercarrige of my truck and jacked the fzr bushing into the shock <because i didnt have a press >

we shall see what comes out of it now