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Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:31 pm
by ian
Hey guys, had an intereseting run in with a hardley guy at my local tobacco shop today. He was ex special forces and he started out by saying, "Didn't you see the sign outside that says no crotch rockets?" (no such sign, by the way). He then proceeded to tell me how crotch rockets gave bikers bad names. He kept ragging on us saying only people who don't know how to ride get crotch rockets and then he told me a story about some chick that bought a busa from a local shop while he was there and the guy that sold it to her was telling her where the brake, clutch, shifter, throttle and stuff were. Finally she donned her helmet, revved it and popped it into gear without clutch and tore into a parked car.
Then he told me a story about a kid who flew in between him and his buddy one time and clipped his handle bars. He said he almost lost it and hit one of the metal road markers. He jumped back on his bike, tore after the kid and caught up to him when the kid ran out of gas. He said when he was finished with the bike it wasn't a bike anymore, and when he was finished with the kid he needed an ambulance. Only after that did he realize that when he hit the road marker he cut off two of his fingers and had to go back to find them bandana (yeah right).
We walked out together and I started putting on my gear.
Then he said I would never wanna meet him on a dark empty road at night, even if we were going the opposite direction. He said he'd just toss up a can of corn (who the heck carries around a can of corn on their bike?!) into me and let me see the damage it did.
As he told this last anecdote he climbed onto his hardley road king wearing only cargo shorts and a t-shirt. Right after he finished he revved it and tore out of the parking lot.
After all this part of me wanted to bust out laughing. But then another part of me wanted to cry at the sad state of our lifestyle. And a small part of me (a very small part) was a little bit worried about meeting someone like him when there was no one around to witness what might happen. :ermm:

Re: Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:34 pm
Dam Your pretty calm , I would of got on my bike and ripped right past him on the road ..LMAO

Re: Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:43 pm
by megaloxana
You guys ever play Road Rash for nintendo/sega ? Thats what you should have done.

Or just call him a squid haha

Re: Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:47 pm
by ian
megaloxana wrote:You guys ever play Road Rash for nintendo/sega ? Thats what you should have done.

Or just call him a squid haha
HAHA its funny you should say that, I thought exactly the same thing when he was talking to me!

Re: Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:51 pm
by ian
PIMPMYFZR wrote:Dam Your pretty calm , I would of got on my bike and ripped right past him on the road ..LMAO
Yeah, but I didn't wanna take my chances and him end up actually being ex-special forces. then I would've been screwed.

Re: Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 10:54 pm
by megaloxana
Actually if you can find him again, go peg him with some canned corn.

Re: Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:03 pm
by noshoes
I had the same thing happen to me. I told him I wasn't into slow heavy bikes that handle and stop for shit......Then I said at least you spent more money for less performance....... The guys a smack-tard.. :swear :swear :swear

Re: Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 11:28 pm
by shawnwon
The terd was probably jealous about You and your "crotch rocket", while he has to settle with his rolling rock?

Re: Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 4:43 am
by Fartblood
ian wrote:He was ex special forces and he started out by saying, "Didn't you see the sign outside that says no crotch rockets?"
Yeah, course he was. All the Special Forces guys I know from my time in green walk round telling everyone they meet. Not. He sounds like a right chump, and if he'd kicked off a quick RIN (Rap In the Nuts) would've reminded him what a tool he is.

As for jap plastic giving bikers a bad name...can't recall the last time I saw a Hells Angel or an Outlaw riding one. Obviously, if this bullsh*****g neanderthal could read he'd have swotted up on his history in that regard.

For some reason, at 6'3" and 232lbs (I'm a 6 days a week gym monkey) I never meet twats like that, or if I do they don't seem so keen to announce themselves publically.

You certainly don't want to meet him alone, with no witnesses, on a dark night...or during the day come to that, cos the urge to jab 4 stiffened fingers into his windpipe, set fire to his 'Liberace Edition' Girly Gayvidson and do a quick runner would probably be overwhelming.

Ignore him, he's a chump raised to the power of chump.

Re: Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:05 am
by 95FZR600
shawnwon wrote:The terd was probably jealous about You and your "crotch rocket", while he has to settle with his rolling rock?

Re: Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:37 am
by YAM93
Fartblood might be a badass, i won't deny it... but he's obviously never visited Texas. Some of us have enough sense to never go there. Our country isn't like Britian, there are some real "wack-a-loon, corpse-f*ckers" here. I wouldn't mess with him, just be friendly and let him go on his way. My wife wonders why I don't learn any foreign languages. I tell her I know how to speak with the rednecks and the hard-core brothers, you just have to be really careful and know what people are truly capable of... probably most of what he told you was true, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was carrying a gun, especially in Texas where that is legal.

Just steer clear of this guy and don't do anything you'll regret. Obviously some other biker really upset him.


A good story also... yesterday I'm changing the oil on my MX bike and a guy pulls up in a big white van, nice guy, says "are you a motorcycle mechanic ? ".... I said " no, i'm more of a rider, just do some basic maintenance "....

He says his friend just got a Harley and it's got 1500 miles on it and now needs $2000 worth of stuff fixed according to the dealer. Then he tells me it's a Buell. I guess I won't be buying a Harley OR a Buell, even though I was riding (yes, against doctor's orders!) later and a Buell pulled up beside me, seemed like a nice bike. (not that i was ever considering buying them anyway) I was nice and didn't laugh ... although it sure felt like I was smiling. Anyway I referred him to 2 local shops that do really good work.

Re: Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:17 pm
by Fartblood
Never been to texas, but someone my size with a very short haircut and a goatee beard would fit in very nicely? The back of my neck would soon be comfortably redin the sun ;) Hey, I work for one of only 2 police forces in the world where they don't routinely arm us with guns - now that's hard!

Lived in Pennsylvania for 8 months while on the run from my 1st wife. Really liked it,and considered joining the state police. It's amazing how friendly folk over there are when they hear an English accent.

Anyway, back to our suspiciously gay bloater - By the whole world rolling over to fat chumps like that, they simply fulfill the knuckle dragging prophesy that these jokers are trying to create. If everyone backed off 'just in case' then these chumps'd rule the world and every left wing no-good-pinko-commie, gay rights terrorist or tea towel wearer would be having a go, and then where would be be?

Re: Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:30 pm
by YAM93
i doubt your accent would get you into any redneck bars. i'm sure you know what i mean by redneck.

(actually your accent would be more likely to get ya killed) banghead bandana
Them boys still remember the Civil War and they ain't forgotten the Revolutionary War


Re: Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:47 pm
by Fartblood
Really? They blame us Jews for the civil war? How strange :whistle

Re: Billy Bad A** Cruiser

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:49 pm
by YAM93
hahaha, i doubt that. I'm just saying they still carry around those rebel flags because they're still not happy that the NORTH won the Civil War.

Long memories i guess.
