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chain links
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:59 am
When I had got my 520 kit I had 14-45. Then I changed to 47 on the rear I was running 108 links should I go upto 110 now ? My indicator thing on swingarm is at the first bar when I tighten its at second bar also I'm thinkin the chain been stretched a hair and the chain is being assembeled off the bike since my swingarm is off
Re: chain links
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:40 am
by 95FZR600
PIMPMYFZR wrote:When I had got my 520 kit I had 14-45. Then I changed to 47 on the rear I was running 108 links should I go upto 110 now ? My indicator thing on swingarm is at the first bar when I tighten its at second bar also I'm thinkin the chain been stretched a hair and the chain is being assembeled off the bike since my swingarm is off
A chain does not "stretch".
Now chains don't actually stretch in the normal sense of that word. If you measured an old and a new chain, each link of the old worn chain will be the same length as a link on the new chain, yet the old chain will be longer. You could painstakingly count the number of links to make sure that there were the same number of these same sized links. Yet, the old chain would still be longer.
The secret: Chains wear out the connecting pins that hold the links together. The pins get ground down by all the grit your chain picks up from the road.
This wear is hard to see because it's hidden between the two outer chain side plates.
The two outer side plates are friction fit to the chain pin, and wear does not generally occur there. The two inner plates are meant to swivel around the chain pin each time the chain goes around the gear. This repeated motion slowly grind the pin diameter down.
Re: chain links
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:52 am
ok seeing i went up 2 teeth on my rear sprocket how many links should i add??
Re: chain links
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:08 pm
just got back from that motosport place i think they the only place in michigan that service is open 7 days a week and they cut my chain and pressed the links .. get this FOR FREE ,, man i was lookin at the sign they had on the wall $84 /hour service i was like they prob gonna charge me half just to cut the link and press the chain .. well i told the guy at the desk call the mechanic out and i gav him a $20 because i felt it was worth it eeven though somone on the board <ahem > was NICE enough to offer to ship me his chain cutting tools to borrow , <i appreciate the gesture .. God i think this world is becoming a better place after all
i thought i counted 108 link and the chain was reeeeeeeeel tight no slack whatso ever so i tell the guy mak it 110 link i had a 120link i get home put the chain through put swingarm and rest of the shit then i see the chain hangin so low it almost hit the ground so i count my old chain only 104 links ...MANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

this is what i get for rushing

but oh well another set back about to go

for the rest of the day ill have at it tuesday
Now on question ?????????? my chain is hooked up master link and CLIP is there anyway taking that off and cuttin the chain down and reusing master link a clip or do i have to order a new ??? seeing that i need to take a couple links off the rest of the chain is still usable im sure ..
Re: chain links
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 3:00 pm
by noshoes
Re: chain links
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:42 pm
by YAM93
noshoes is totally right.
Also, this is a good reason for doing the final install ON THE BIKE. It might be a pain to truck it up to the shop, but if you get it TOO SHORT you'll be screwed.
If I'm not mistaken the STOCK length for the chain is 106 links.
Not 104 or 108.
My guess is that you actually need it to be 108, but I'm just guessing. On the back of the Vortex sprocket package they actually give a FORMULA for calculating the change of links needed for changing sprocket ratios, but I don't know where I put it and i don't remember if it even worked for me. If i remember correctly i had to do it by eyeball, counting links didn't seem to give the right number for some reason, but it's been a while and my memory is pretty bad.

Re: chain links
Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:53 pm
YAM93 wrote:noshoes is totally right.
Also, this is a good reason for doing the final install ON THE BIKE. It might be a pain to truck it up to the shop, but if you get it TOO SHORT you'll be screwed.
If I'm not mistaken the STOCK length for the chain is 106 links.
Not 104 or 108.
My guess is that you actually need it to be 108, but I'm just guessing. On the back of the Vortex sprocket package they actually give a FORMULA for calculating the change of links needed for changing sprocket ratios, but I don't know where I put it and i don't remember if it even worked for me. If i remember correctly i had to do it by eyeball, counting links didn't seem to give the right number for some reason, but it's been a while and my memory is pretty bad.

i hear you about doing this last but being that i didnt have the tools todo it and i had the swingarm off the bike i figured kill 2 birds with one stone.. now i wish i would of waited but itll cost 1 hour labor to take it somwhere just to put a chain on .. i figured if i take it to them off the bike they wont charge as much now i feel dumb takin it back to the guy and tryin to explain to him my mess. and i guess ill have to buy a new master link .. now atleast ill buy the rivet master link ..

Re: chain links
Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:43 am
by 95FZR600
Re: chain links
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:10 am
this is dumb but im gonna ask will rk master rivet be compatible with did master rivet?
Re: chain links
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 12:42 pm
Took my chain back to bike shop mechanic he took off the clip and link and shortened it and even said since this clip never been used it can be reinstalled . Now I'm debating if I should use this one or just buy another one . I know you guys say just buy another one but y if I don't need to!
Re: chain links
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:07 pm
Has anyone ever used to 2 master links on a chain I hear its performed on the track
Re: chain links
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:30 pm
by haunter
can't say that I have done that before.....
but I've only done 1 chain before
Re: chain links
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:36 pm
by sweekster
PIMPMYFZR wrote:Has anyone ever used to 2 master links on a chain I hear its performed on the track
I myself have not done it but i've heard of it being done. If these are two of the clip type of master links then I'd advise against as I don't really trust those clip types. If you're talking to rivet type master links then it should be fine but I wouldn't anymore than 2 links. If this is the route you decide to go then make sure you get the proper tools.
Re: chain links
Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 11:56 pm
by noshoes
Re: chain links
Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:22 am
yea dude im not takin any chances , i took it back to dealer earlier they efin cut to many links off it .. that chain cost me 75$ i told him make my chain 108 he went and made it 104 ; just ordered another one tonight it's coming with both rivet and clip master .. i dont care how good somones fortune has been with a clip master . im not using it ..