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Swing Arm info

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:03 pm
by jsph.mitch
I know there are multiple threads about swing arms. I am looking to get a list of them in one spot. I do not see anything in the WIKI about it. Maybe a list with the parts required, and the difficulty on a level of 1 - 10. Maybe we can get some of the stuff published to the WIKI.

Re: Swing Arm info

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:31 pm
check out the threads yzf600r would prob be easiest then i would say r6 swingarm then if you got the balls oops i meant brains you could try the single sided swingarm which is prob the most work out of them all but i know with yzf600 swingarm . swingarm , rim w/ cush , yzf sprocket and zx636 front sprocket yzf brake arm , the spacers and swingarm bearings and your pretty much all set togo everything else swaps out from fzr ... r6 and anything else for that matter id say you need new shock mounts and alot more welding and wrenching ..

Re: Swing Arm info

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:24 pm
by 95FZR600

there's one of them.

Re: Swing Arm info

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:33 pm
by jsph.mitch
I know how to look them all up. I have them all saved. It just seams like there are a few of them, and a lot of info spaced out. I figured I would try and get it all in one place. I guess its OCD.

Re: Swing Arm info

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:55 pm
by 95FZR600
jsph.mitch wrote:I know how to look them all up. I have them all saved. It just seams like there are a few of them, and a lot of info spaced out. I figured I would try and get it all in one place. I guess its OCD.

I know what you mean. It would be easier that way. Lets see what we can do.

Re: Swing Arm info

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:01 am
by jsph.mitch
Any thoughts on adding it to the WIKI?

Re: Swing Arm info

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:08 am
by ShogunTX
Email me what you have complied and with some semblence of your ideal organization and we can put it in the WIKI no problem. PM me if you have any specific questions.


Re: Swing Arm info

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 9:42 am
by yamaha_george
jsph.mitch wrote:I know there are multiple threads about swing arms. I am looking to get a list of them in one spot. I do not see anything in the WIKI about it. Maybe a list with the parts required, and the difficulty on a level of 1 - 10. Maybe we can get some of the stuff published to the WIKI.
are you asking about measurements for each swing arm?
If so I have at hand:-
the stock 3HE (fzr600)
3TJ FZR 400
1WG fzr400<?>
3EN FZR400

Re: Swing Arm info

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:36 am
by jsph.mitch
I guess some simple info to start with

Year, make, and model swing arm came from
Mods needed to complete said swap
parts list of needed parts.
and notes on diffculity

Right now there is nothing in the WIKI about swing arm swaps. Maybe a list of the known swaps with the info from above compiled with the info above with a link to the original post will make it easier to find the info.

Re: Swing Arm info

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:39 pm
by cad600
Here, I'll start it. But I think a catagory need to be added because there is a huge differance in overall difficulty and the amount/difficulty of fabrication for a given project. Everything to be graded 1-10: 1 being direct bolt on replacement / don't brake a sweat, 10 being go buy another bike instead

Swingarm Mod: VFR 750 Single Sided Swingarm
Parts to Purchase: '90-'98 swingarm, wheel, rear brake calipare/rotor; 520 rear sprocket for swingarm; ZX6R 520 sprocket; 520 chain;
hydraulic clutch set-up; hyraulic clutch plate adaptor;
Modification/Fabrication Required: swingarm pivot to be shaved; frame to be shaved; shock mounts to be cut and relocated; swingarm pivot bolt sleeve to be
fabricated; rear sprocket carrier to be shaved; dog bones to be fabricated; rearset bolt/mount to be shaved;
Amount/Difficulty of Fabrication: 9 - Many parts that depent on each other for spacing. Need skills or to find help with machining and welding. Needs to be
stripped to bare frame.
Overall Dificulty: 8 - Proper planning really helps with this one, this is not a single weekend job.
Overall Cost: 7 - The swingarm is difficult to find complete and when you do they aren't cheap. The rear wheel is even more expensive.
Tools to purchase for this get expensive too.

Re: Swing Arm info

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:31 pm
by 95FZR600

99-02 R6 Swing Arm Swap:

R6 Swing Arm
03-05 kawi 636 520 Front Sprocket
R6 520 Rear Sprocket
520 Chain
Rear rotor and cush drive R6
Rear rim with axle bolt, pivot bolt and all hardware
Caliper,MC,rotor, and bracket
R6 Shock Upper mount to be fabbed.

You will have to extend the clutch rod a 1/4inch along with spacing out the clutch cover the same amount. Notch the frame and grind down area to mount swinger.

There is a full write-up here: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=266

Re: Swing Arm info

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:51 pm
by Target30
Heres mine, i really dont see a lot of people going with this one, due to availability of parts, but it was/is fun, hopefully i get to ride soon to test it all out!

Swingarm Mod: 1990 TZR250 swingarm and rear rim.
Parts to Purchase: 1990 TZR250 swingarm, 90 TZR250 rear rim with spacer bushings, rear brake assembly from same, rear axle from same.
Modification/Fabrication Required: swingarm pivot bolt from 400 or 600 and pivot bushing. A custom bushing will need to be made to fit the oem 400/600 pivot bolt; or drill out pivot bolt hole to fit tzr250 bolt. Custom upper shock mount will need to be made. whole lower shock mount assembly needs to be fabbed, i used an R1 setup to start, had a custom linkage and pivot setup made. mostly trial and error for angle and length. if you space the swingarm off to the right , the sprocket will line up nicely. Doing this also centers the rim, the TZR must have had an offset on the swingarm mount.
Amount/Difficulty of Fabrication: 9 - Many parts that depend on each other for spacing. Need skills or to find help with machining and welding. can be done with only taking rear end off, but dont expect to be done in a weekend.
Overall Dificulty: 8 - alot of custom parts to make. more than one way to skin the cat, if you will.
Overall Cost: 9 - Good luck finding the swingarm, was never imported into the states. Rims go for $400-500 on ebay. i was very lucky to get an incredible deal.

Re: Swing Arm info

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:10 pm
i personally think everyone's swap IS THERE OWN unless somone who has done it and done it to the T or else somwhere down the line your gonna import some of your own ideas and what not .. Its easy to ask about it but with all the info your gonna get .. your not gonna be able to make up your mind which one you want to do ... I owned my bike since 02' modkings was the first one i seen that had 400 swinger with tzr wheel ... try getting a 400 swingarm in 03' for under 3-4 hundred then all of a sudden people started gettin creative and incorperating their own swaps .. after 5 yrs i finally up and bought a swingarm and the rest of the pieces to try a swap .. I think you should concentrate on somthing that YOU think YOU would like todo and start from there .. I did YZF600r swingarm because i thought it would be least difficult/fabricating ..not because it would look the best or perform the best .... but after invest over $500 and hacking the bike up just to try a diff mod .. NOw i woulda tried todo a diff swingarm that no one has done just to be original ..
unless you have access to machinery , mill,lathe, cnc and so on and and have 32mm sockets laying around impact gun, hell you could invest $1,000 just to get a swap in ..if you dont have accurate tools ..and even more accurate measurements .... Dont take it the wrong way im more pleased that i actually pulled off this swap then actually seeing it on there .. when i tell somone i did this with no ones help <physically> because with out you guys i would be still with a stock swinger . but people are liek YOU REALLY KNOW YOUR SHIT HUH .. well if they only knew this HS dropout turned Entrapanuer has some great Brains on the backside

Re: Swing Arm info

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:54 am
by Fartblood
My only worry with the TZR swap is the long term ability of the swinger to stand the additional weight, power and torque of the Fizzer without breaking.

Re: Swing Arm info

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:31 am
by 95FZR600
If thats your worry try another swap. There's also the gixxer swinger but I dont know anything about that one.