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Safer on the Bike
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:09 pm
by ian
Is it just me or does anyone else feel more vulnerable in the car than on the bike? I feel like if I had to I wouldn't be able to get up and go or weave out of the way...
Re: Safer on the Bike
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:27 pm
by jsph.mitch
until that car pulls out of the Macdonald's parking lot and you have no time to react. I feel safer in a car, but love to ride.

Re: Safer on the Bike
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:43 pm
by NHFZR600
I am with you Ian i totally feel safer on the bike!! i love having an unobstructed 360 degree view, i can stand up on the pegs to see around cars in front of me, the bike gets out of its own way pretty well in case something comes up and plus i love being able to park anywhere

Re: Safer on the Bike
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:05 pm
by 95FZR600
Recently got my intruder on the road and Ill tell you that I am much safer on the fizzer than the Intruder. Cant weave or stop very good on the cruiser. Single piston front front caliper definitely needs upgraded!
Re: Safer on the Bike
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:15 pm
by Luke-a-Tron
I don't know, the ability steer while braking heavily plus the two tons of steel around me pretty easily negate the maneuverability of the bike. It might be easier to avoid an accident (marginally at best) on the bike, but as far feeling safer, absolutely in the car. The car by default offers some protection from idiot drivers where as the bike requires your interaction to protect you.
The fact that my car is bristling with airbags doesn't hurt either.
Re: Safer on the Bike
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:29 pm
by megaloxana
I would much rather hit something going 10 mph in my car than my bike...

Re: Safer on the Bike
Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:56 pm
by HeadRush
I definitely feel safer in my car. I'm starting to ride again after a few years, but there have been many times when I've seen something beyond stupid being done, and have been happy that I wasn't on my bike. A couple of weeks ago the wife and I got in the mood for a late night milkshake and on the way home it starting raining pretty steady. It lasted long enough to make everybody slow down. As we were waiting for a break in traffic to pull out a guy on a Hayabusa rolled past us (he had no rain gear on) and right on his ass was a car. He was headed in the direction that we needed to go, so I told my wife to stay in the lane next to him so that if the car behind him ran into him we could stop and be witnesses.
Another shining example of idiots on four wheels was this chick in a forum ranting about her newly acquired traffic ticket. She got it for driving while talking on her cell (no earpiece apparently), putting on mascara, and smoking a cigaretter while driving. I think she said it was for multi-tasking while driving. She thinks that she shouldn't have gotten the ticket since she wasn't speeding. On top of that, she wants to be a police officer!
Be careful out there guys!
Re: Safer on the Bike
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:46 am
by manveru
i didn't think it was possible to do all those things at once. does she have a 3rd hand?
I feel safer on a bike just because of the fact that its easier to avoid accidents. Rain doesn't bother me either
Re: Safer on the Bike
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:53 am
by tommyj27
car, it may not be much fun to drive, but i don't have to cover myself in dead cow before I feel safe.
Re: Safer on the Bike
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:29 am
by haunter
HeadRush wrote:
Another shining example of idiots on four wheels was this chick in a forum ranting about her newly acquired traffic ticket. She got it for driving while talking on her cell (no earpiece apparently), putting on mascara, and smoking a cigaretter while driving. I think she said it was for multi-tasking while driving. She thinks that she shouldn't have gotten the ticket since she wasn't speeding. On top of that, she wants to be a police officer!
Be careful out there guys!
dumb hoe.
Re: Safer on the Bike
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:54 am
by ian
haunter wrote:HeadRush wrote:
Another shining example of idiots on four wheels was this chick in a forum ranting about her newly acquired traffic ticket. She got it for driving while talking on her cell (no earpiece apparently), putting on mascara, and smoking a cigaretter while driving. I think she said it was for multi-tasking while driving. She thinks that she shouldn't have gotten the ticket since she wasn't speeding. On top of that, she wants to be a police officer!
Be careful out there guys!
dumb hoe.
haha +1
Re: Safer on the Bike
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:27 am
by 95FZR600
The ones doing there make-up and or smoking cigarettes drive me freakin crazy when they are on the road. Also, side by side driving when your on the bike.

Re: Safer on the Bike
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:18 pm
by HeadRush
Let's not forget the people who like to read books and newspapers while their driving.

I love to read too, but it's not that serious! I have experience driving in Europe where there's zero tolerance for nonsense behind the wheel. You screw something up over there, you're going to pay for it and then some. You can forget driving for a while if you hit someone on a bicycle or motorcycle too, mucho $$$$$$$. Well, at least that's what I heard.
The problem here in the U.S. is people think it's a given to get behind the wheel and do what they want versus actually treating it as a privilege. If people would actually respect the rules of the road and be courteous towards one another, then we would have so many problems. Instead we have groups against motorcycles, politicians trying to ban them, and people trying to multi-task behind the wheel. It's bad enough avoiding idiots while surrounded by steel, aluminum, and airbags. My riding style on the bike is to stay away from anything with more wheels than me if I can help it.
Re: Safer on the Bike
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:59 pm
by Luke-a-Tron
HeadRush wrote:My riding style on the bike is to stay away from anything with more wheels than me if I can help it.
Amen to that!