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Busy busy

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 7:51 am
by yamaha_george
thought i would drop by as Freddy George is actually sleeping (babies are rumoured to sleep a lot but being my grandson he does not conform LoL)

He has us all busy and I have not had much time to DO anything much, I bought two guns , a Crosman 2250 pistol & a Hatsan AT44/10 rifle (tactical take down version ) in June & August, just about got them to the point where they suit me (customwise) to target shoot did manage to put down 150 rounds yesterday as i took off 3 hours from baby watch ( he has a heart disorder called SVT which we keep at bay with oral drugs but for the 1st year he requires "eye on" 24/7) but he may grow out of it like 98% of kids who have it if not it is a minor op at a year old.
in the mean time it is 6 adults on rotation shifts

In case I cannot get back at a sensible time I will say to all of you Have a Peaceful Christmas and a great riding New Year.

From Freddy George and the rest of us at the mad house
S & F

Re: Busy busy

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:39 am
by coops
Cheers mate.
Ride it like ya stole it.
Happy new year.

Re: Busy busy

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 6:18 pm
by yamaha_george
Well folks tomorrow is the last day of a very full year for the Family and I.
Thanks to all those who wrote off list asking about my time thief of a grandson Freddy George he has been in hospital for another 7 day stint frightening the proverbial out of us with Bronchitis and being on a lung assist machine until he could cope on his own at 8 weeks old I can say one thing the little SOG is a fighter!
He is now fully recovered and still hogging my time away from projects such as my Hatsan rifle which now I think is just about ready to be used properly at the range (if the weather does not close us down ) Closing the range is now more or less down to me as I have just re-qualified to be an RCO (Range Commanding/Conducting Officer ) with the UK NRA.

As to 2015 I wish you all well , good riding weather no technical problems (if you get any ask here LoL)
A peaceful and happy New year,
S &F