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Another helmet thread.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:28 pm
by bucket
This has to be the worst thing I have ever shopped for! I’m looking at spending around $200.( I know you get what you pay for but its better then the $80 helmet I have know)

I was looking at the Bell apex and the Scorpion EXO-700. Im jut looking to see if anybody has one of these or have an opinion on one. Or a suggestion on a different helmets. Most important is venting I live in Arizona and its HOT! Second is weight. Any opinions would be great.

Re: Another helmet thread.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:31 pm
by surgscrubfzr
check on ebay for some good deals. i bought a icon maniac helmet for 150 plus shipping brand new.

Re: Another helmet thread.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 1:06 am
by the_finch
I live in south Alabama and it gets into the triple digits here too. I got an Icon Domain 2 perimeter in blue and it stays cool all day long. It has like 7 air scoops that I always leave open. The downside is, with all that ventillation, you basicly have to wear earplugs if you'll be riding for more than 20 minutes so as to keep yourself from getting a pounding headache from the road noise. :duh:

Downside on the Domain 2? $330 through was the best price I could find. :swear

I almost went with the Airframe, which is supposed to flow just as well or better. :ermm:

My passenger helmet is an old black HJC C12 that I picked up when a buddy needed gas and had a spare helmet laying around. It gets warm really quick.

Hope that helps somewhat. my2cents

Re: Another helmet thread.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:32 am
by thatkid
I've been sporting the KBC VR-2 Gunslinger edition for a year now and have no problems with it. It does get a little warm in traffic but otherwise I have loved it. They run a bit on the smaller side so order up a size if you can't find a local place to try one on. This place has them on sale for 169 for M or L. Down from 269. ... etsvr2.htm

Had a HJC AC11 before that and it was alright. The KBC is a better fitting helmet though. Less wobble and less noise.

Re: Another helmet thread.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:49 am
by mszilves
I think it all comes down to personal fit. I have 2 Scorpion EXO-700s, and absolutely love them! You get tons of features for the money, and in my opinion, one of the best values on the market.

Re: Another helmet thread.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:11 am
by tommyj27
mszilves wrote:I think it all comes down to personal fit. I have 2 Scorpion EXO-700s, and absolutely love them! You get tons of features for the money, and in my opinion, one of the best values on the market.
+1 the gf and I both have EXO-700s and love them.

Re: Another helmet thread.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:29 am
by TomGun
IMHO I have 2 HJC CL-14. These are DOT and SNELL approved helmets. I find they vent nice, and they're not too noisy, and very comfortable. These retail around $150.00, but I just got a new one off Ebay for $100.
Good luck finding your helmet, I know its a PITA.

Re: Another helmet thread.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:30 am
by cad600
The Scorpion is great. It was my first helmet and by far the one that did the best job of not fogging up. It can be a little warm at times, but it is also very quiet.

Had a Icon Mainframe (see aviator). Saved my live and I loved the graphics. Horrible for fogging and very noisy to me. Ventalation was only slightly better than the Scorpion.

Got the KBC VR-2 GunDuo now. Very snug fit. Not very good at keeping the fog away. Decent ventalation. A lot quieter than the Icon was.

A good place to check out ratings on helmets is They test everything they sell and give you user rating. But they doin't carry all of the manufacturers. I jsut bought an anti-fog helmet insert from them and was very pleased at the shipping time. What ever you do, go to a store or stealership and try one different helmets. Everyones head is different and one that fits well for me may not fit right for you.

Re: Another helmet thread.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:17 pm
by Luke-a-Tron
I've got the EXO-700 as well and I'm super happy with it. It's pretty quiet and has zero lift, even when I turn my head at high speed. My HJC (forget which model, CS-12 maybe) would try and rip my head off my neck whenever I looked to the side at speed. It was also crazy loud in comparison.

One thing I really like about the Scorpion is that you can change the visors without taking off the helmet. It takes some practice but it's very easy to do, even with gloves on, once you figure out the right angle to pop it on. You get the features of helmets that are roughly twice it's price. My helmet has a matte blue finish and I got a blue chrome visor. It looks totally pimp. I've gotten a number of comments from random people in cars.

Re: Another helmet thread.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:33 pm
by Dr Rockso
i wear the same $35 (closeout at dennis kirk) red m2r full face that i've been wearing for years . it's comfortable , but it could use a little more ventilation .

Re: Another helmet thread.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:39 pm
by YAM93
Arizona- Hot -

latest Bell helmets ROCK with VENTING. I got a new MOTO-8 recently, vents more air than any other helmet, so my guess is the Bell Apex's are similar.

My Scorpion vents ok, but I live in Maryland, so, venting is not as important.

For real street venting I doubt you'll do better than SUOMY or SHARK. Try to spend more money if you can, the mid-line SHARK is like $280 (retail) and you won't be pissed and buying another helmet in 2 years.

I plan on getting a Shark as soon as money makes itself available (read: Wife let's me)
The Shark's are also the LIGHTEST you can get without killing your bank account with an Arai or Shoei.

Re: Another helmet thread.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:10 pm
by 95FZR600
For that kind of money I would go with the scorpion exo series. If you have more to spend I would go with the Arai.

Re: Another helmet thread.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:28 pm
by bucket
Helmet Harbor is a local store for me! :banana: That’s who turned me onto the bell and exo!

I was looking around the local stores. And end up at cycle gear. They have a AGV XR2 on a return. Only $266!! :yikes: ( still trying to talk the wife in to it) I’m going to wait tell next week and see if they still have it. If not then I’ll keep looking

keep all opinions coming!

Re: Another helmet thread.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:43 pm
by 95FZR600
Yes, we have cycle gear here and they have everything. I love that store.

Re: Another helmet thread.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:17 pm
by cad600
The switch from my Scorpion to the Icon was easy for me. I gained a little weight when I quit smoking. Helmet didn't fit any more so new helmet it was.