Can I ride a trike?

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Can I ride a trike?

Post by Bigste987 »

I hold a uk driving licence with categories B, B1 and fkp. Can someone please tell me if I can ride a trike on this and if so what engine size it entitles me to ride? I am so confused.
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Re: Can I ride a trike?

Post by ~JM~ »

I'm confused on why you would even want to ride a trike. They are usually evil handling machines with one wheel up front & two in the back trying to over-power that skinny front tire.

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Can I ride a trike?

Post by mo_bhaiyat »

Do you feel the same dislike towards reverse trikes JM?? I'm not the bigger fan of trikes but reverse trikes are ace.
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Re: Can I ride a trike?

Post by ragedigital »

mo_bhaiyat wrote:Do you feel the same dislike towards reverse trikes JM?? I'm not the bigger fan of trikes but reverse trikes are ace.
IMO, reverse trikes are just 3 wheeled, convertible cars. I guess if you're handicapped and want to ride, then that is probably your best choice.
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Re: Can I ride a trike?

Post by Harrysf707 »

I'm not from the UK, but I looked it up anyways. Apparently only Classes A and A1 entitle you to ride a motorized trike. Motorcycles fall within the classes of A, A1 and A2. Class B1 entitles you to ride light quad vehicles only. I could be wrong though....
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Re: Can I ride a trike?

Post by DonTZ125 »

This really is a question for the local cop shop, or the ministry. Trying to get advice for something like this from a bunch of yahoos on the 'net, most of whom here are in North America, is begging for bad things to happen to your license and insurance payments.
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Re: Can I ride a trike?

Post by SouthendChris »

I believe it used to be something like this before the new rules

1) If you only held a full Motorcycle licence (category A) you can ride a trike if the trike does not have reverse gear.

2) If you only had a full car licence (category B) you could ride any trike.

That was my understanding, now the link at the top describes how it is now.

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Re: Can I ride a trike?

Post by ~JM~ »

mo_bhaiyat wrote:Do you feel the same dislike towards reverse trikes JM?? I'm not the bigger fan of trikes but reverse trikes are ace.
I have to agree with the other reply, as they strike me as more of a car that is missing one rear wheel. The fairly new Can-Am 3-Wheelers look like they might be fun. If I understand correctly, they actually allow you to lean through a turn whereas all the other 3-Wheelers stay flat in the turns much like an auto.

During the 70's & the "Gas Crisis" there was a Kit-Car being offered that was a 3-Wheeler with two wheels up front & a sealed cockpit. It was powered by a large displacement motorcycle like a Honda CB750 or larger. I believe that you removed the front wheel of the Bike & then it fit into the back of the vehicle body. I don't know how the controls were adapted. It was featured in several magazines of the day including Mechanics Illustrated. I was a boy at the time, but I recall my Uncle seriously wanting to build one for his work commute. Of course he bought one of the original air cooled Honda 600's as a "Family Car". :yikes: LOL! He was a bit off. screwy

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