Opinion on ZX7R Frontend on a FZR

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Opinion on ZX7R Frontend on a FZR

Post by j200pruf »

Hey all, I am helping my dad part out a 1997 ZX7R. Front end is complete, I was thinking about using it on my FZR400 since I can get it for cheap.

Spring wise they seem good (about exactly what Race Tech recommends for my weight, great breaks, and from what I have read people seem to like the front end feel on the old ZX7R. Anyone here have an opinion?
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Re: Opinion on ZX7R Frontend on my FZR

Post by DonTZ125 »

Never used one myself, but if the brakes are great and the spring rate is correct, and you're looking to upgrade ...

What was the question again?

Do bear in mind that a great deal of the "people seem to like the front end feel" is the overall geometry. Be prepared to do a little tuning of the rake and trail, as well as the damping and preload.
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Re: Opinion on ZX7R Frontend on my FZR

Post by j200pruf »

Yeah your right Don, didn't really think about it.

Just wondering if anyone had experience with them, weight, durability, quality, internals... I did some checking and they have the same offset as the FZR400 1WG so I am guessing that steering would still feel fairly close to the stock FZR400 front end?
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Opinion on ZX7R Frontend on a FZR

Post by _Will_ »

I've only ridden one once and didn't get to push it but it seemed fine. Those bikes were supposedly tanks in the weight depart (498 according to sportrider.com) so a higher spring rate would make sense. Keep in mind you'll be running a 120 instead of 110 front end so you'll loose a bit of turn in speed but gain adjustability and what was always recorded as great feedback. I'm going to guess they'll be heavier than your stock forks, their weight was the reason Kawi went to the telescopic ones on the later zx9r models.
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Re: Opinion on ZX7R Frontend on a FZR

Post by thatkid »

_Will_ wrote:I've only ridden one once and didn't get to push it but it seemed fine. Those bikes were supposedly tanks in the weight depart (498 according to sportrider.com) so a higher spring rate would make sense. Keep in mind you'll be running a 120 instead of 110 front end so you'll loose a bit of turn in speed but gain adjustability and what was always recorded as great feedback. I'm going to guess they'll be heavier than your stock forks, their weight was the reason Kawi went to the telescopic ones on the later zx9r models.

I will agree with the tank part. I had one in my shop a few summers ago and holy hell that thing was heavy. Trying to push it around the shop was a pain in the ass. And riding it just felt like it would crush me if it tipped. Couldn't say much on the forks as about any pair of forks from a bigger bike tends to send me flying on even the lightest settings. It would definitely be an upgrade though. And if it's cheap then why not?
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