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re united
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:24 am
by cntryboy85
i have been in japan since sept 7th and finally this friday i get to go home for 2 weeks and get to see my wife, my dog and my fzr. i cant wait to get the tag back on it and take that first ride after so long. i cant wait to get her rebuilt and like new.
Re: re united
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:36 am
by GreyImport
Japan?.......have u got a suitcase full of spare parts?

Re: re united
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:48 am
by cntryboy85
i wish but i have seen one fzr 1000.
Re: re united
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 5:52 am
by yamaha_george
Glad you made it back to your folks for Christmas, enjoy your ride but beware of the Drunks driving cages it is Looney season after all.
Re: re united
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:53 am
by cntryboy85
unfortianatly i wont make it back for christmas i will be back on the 28th but i will be there for new years and i will be at the DMV on the 2nd to get the tag for the bike cause from that point i only have 5 days to get as much riding in as possible. and yeah i know what you mean about the drunks but jacksonville is pretty tough witH DUI check points and i am happy about that. and glad to see you back on here YG hadnt seen you in a while
Re: re united
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 4:32 pm
by yamaha_george
not as glad as I am that I can be here (that is anywhere above ground ) at all. Been a tough ole year but like some wize ass said recently when the going gets tough you can bet ole Y-G will be in the front on the way thro'.
Re: re united
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 5:57 am
by cntryboy85
god to hear. and i bet. i have a question for you. what kind of benefits do you get when using individual pod filters and possibly velocity stack in conjunction with stage 3 jet kit and possible a V&H exhaust? or would it be easier to just use a K&N drop in replacement and maybe not go up to stage 3 jet kit.
Re: re united
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 9:57 am
by yamaha_george
If you want to use Pods suggest you read my bit on spacers to stand them off the carb mouth or you will be tuning the bike forever and riding very short times.
As to stage 3 that varies from maker to maker and ONLY they can tell you what those jet kits expect to see in the way of other tuning mods on the engine.
With the V & H exhaust it is rumoured to "flow" more but never used one so........ My own FZR has an after market set of pipes in Stainless steel ( Delvik) plus a rebuilt after market can whose origin i know of but not the make (senior moment).
I do have the drop in K & N filter in the standard airbox on my bike and yes it works well.
Re: re united
Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 4:15 am
by cntryboy85
i might just go with the drop in replacement. just for sake of not having to mod that out too much. i am looking to try to rebuild the engine also but havent had much luck with finding a full rebuild kit. i want her to look and run like new by the time i come home for good.