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Taking a trip

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:46 pm
by tommyj27
A buddy and I are going to be riding from Minneapolis to Indiana this weekend and visiting another buddy in Bloomington (having gf troubles so I planned a trip to give me something else to think about, God willing I'll still have a gf by the time I leave). We're not exactly sure what our itinerary is; we're thinking either leave Thursday night and go a few hundred miles, or try and bust our humps through the whole 650 miles on Friday. I am trying to avoid the traffic hell that is Chicago, anyone from the area have any thoughts on the best way to bypass all the BS? Also, anyone who isn't doing anything Friday that wants to ride along for a while, stop for lunch, whatever; I'm open to suggestions.

Re: Taking a trip

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:20 pm
by cad600
Good luck, have fun, and be safe. Let me know if you have a problem with the wheel I sent. If for some reason there is a problem and I have anything to fix it, I'll drop it for overnight delivery.

Re: Taking a trip

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:52 pm
by haunter
tommyj27 wrote:A buddy and I are going to be riding from Minneapolis to Indiana this weekend and visiting another buddy in Bloomington (having gf troubles so I planned a trip to give me something else to think about, God willing I'll still have a gf by the time I leave). We're not exactly sure what our itinerary is; we're thinking either leave Thursday night and go a few hundred miles, or try and bust our humps through the whole 650 miles on Friday. I am trying to avoid the traffic hell that is Chicago, anyone from the area have any thoughts on the best way to bypass all the BS? Also, anyone who isn't doing anything Friday that wants to ride along for a while, stop for lunch, whatever; I'm open to suggestions.

When 94 hits Rockford take 39 south to Bloomington, at Bloomington hop onto 74. Take that to indy and wrap around...or...take 57 south from Champaign to Effingham and get on 70...

This would work, I have been on all those roads and last time I was on them they were in good shape: ... =UTF8&z=11

Plus.......I'll be around Friday here in Champaign Urbana.

I may be able to offer a couch/floor depending on what all is going on(rents house...for another week....)....or atleast recommend a nice 40 buck roach motel :D

But of course, no idea what time you would show up unless you left Fri morning, then got to Bloomington Sat morning. Or stop here for dinner if you busted ass Friday :cheers:

if you leave Th night I wouldnt stop till madison wi......cuz thats 4.5 hours from here, and Bloomington is like 3 hours past me

Re: Taking a trip

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:03 am
by tommyj27
Back from my trip. We had quite an adventure and there are a couple things that I have learned

-There is nothing to do in Indiana besides ride bikes and drink; this seems to be an excellent location for both activities.
-There is almost nothing good about riding 700 miles in one day on a sport bike.
-I now have new problems to fix.

The back roads in Indy are awesome for riding, there isn't anything in MN (that I have found) that can match them. I learned so much about riding twisties in a few days that I now realize how much I still don't know; but the chicken strips on my tires are almost completely gone. Overall, the bike performed admirably over the course of the trip, the only unforeseen problem being one of my own creation.

When we got to our destination, the buddy we were visiting immediately lubed our chains. Unfortunately, the only lube he had was some Honda white lithium spray that I don't know is safe for use on chains. We rode about 500-600mi while we were out there and then forgot to lube the chains again before we left on Wednesday morning. We pushed hard across Indiana and Illinois and when we stopped for fuel in Champaign I noticed that I had some strange noise coming from the rear end, the chain sounded a little bit more angry than usual. I hoped it was just my mind playing tricks and we pushed on. When we got off the freeway again in Quad Cities I thought I was going to lose the rear wheel coming off the exit ramp. The chain was bucking and jumping so bad I was seriously scared. At the gas station I gave my chain a nudge with my boot and instead of the spec 1" of chain play I had when I left home there was probably about 4". We found a Yami stealership in town and got the bike there. They put a new chain on, but didn't have sprockets, saying that the remaining 350mi home shouldn't destroy the new chain. The rest of the way home I got to listen to a constant whine at freeway speeds, most likely because they put a 530 chain on my sprockets; apparently the PO put 520 sprockets on my bike.

So now I need to find new 530 sprockets to match my new chain. I have a 530 rear that came on the wheel I got from cad. That sprocket looks to be in good shape, so I'm thinking I just need the front. I also need to figure out why my brake light is on almost constantly. I think the lever is too loose and making contact with the master cyl. from wind resistance and bumps.

And since we all like pictures, here are some from the trip (didn't take a whole lot, too busy riding):


Re: Taking a trip

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:19 am
by cad600
Nice!!! Glad to see that tire got some use. I don't know about using the sprocket that was with it though. I have no idea how old it is. I know that I didn't change it the few years I've had the bike.

Re: Taking a trip

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 10:33 am
by tommyj27
New sprockets aren't that expensive, I think I'm just going to order a new front and rear.