tuning carbs (video with smoke added)

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Re: tuning carbs

Post by reelrazor »

yep. The smoke happens right at the crest of the rev-up rev-down cycle (right as the throttle gets closed).

Vacuum jumps...sucks oil past the rings...smoke.

On the road..under engine braking load it prolly smokes as well.

Our tiny, very well-shaped combustion chambers will burn off quite a decent amount of oil before the smoke gets overly blue.

It's not ideal...it will run for thousands and thousands of miles and just slowly increase oil consumption and smokiness.

There WAS one kinda random puff of white smoke....THAT is the one that would concern me....head gasket leakage NEVER get better and often goes from very slight to quite drastic in a VERY short time (one ride to school). Puke enough coolant in a combustion chamber and those valves can often drop-causing spectacular(engine totalling) damage.


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Re: tuning carbs

Post by shredex »

theres a very noticable sound coming from the head I believe...its like a clanking sound. but its only when warming up the bike.
once it slowing goes away while it warms up.
I have the bike set rich at the moment. bike doesnt need choke to start in the morning. I dont know if that has anything to do with it but I dont remember it ever doing it before.
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Re: tuning carbs (video with smoke added)

Post by ragedigital »

reelrazor wrote:Rings.
Or head gasket. Looked to be a little white in there.
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Re: tuning carbs (video with smoke added)

Post by _Will_ »

I have the same problem on mine but not as extreme. It became somewhat better when I switched from tradional motorcycle oil to repsol but that got expensive with the amount of riding I do so I tried the rotella synth and liked it but still burned some. Finally settled on the rotella regular straight 30w hoping the thicker oil would help and it's almost completely done away with the oil burning issue
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