Gear Head :- Does your FZR project beat this ?

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Re: Gear Head :- Does your FZR project beat this ?

Post by yamaha_george »

Yes there is a whole slew of people out there trying to better the handling of our bikes, since the quite rightly believe that front forks that include the suspension are NOT very efficient.

The hassle is that "we" the biking public do not want to appear "weird" in front of our mates by turning up on bikes like these.

The Biggest anti-sale "fact" according to my friend, Eric Buell, for his Buell bikes is that rear shocks were not where people "normally" saw them the same with a couple of his bikes air boxes.

The fact that the suspension work flawlessly or the bike made 10HP more, before a test ride out there was no sale, a lot of folks would not even take the FREE test ride even at bike shows.
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Re: Gear Head :- Does your FZR project beat this ?

Post by chefen2006 »

To bad that there has never been any good looking afordeble sportsbike ( is BMW a sportbike? ) whit diferent suspenders. The problem is that we don´t buy wierd looking bikes. On top of that,if the bike is too heavy and/or expensive,nobody wants them. And nobody wants to be the first to discover any downfalls of a new "never seen before" high tech stuff. All of this holds back development of new and exiting bikes and tech in general.
Anybody knows what happend to the Elf-bikes?? I liked them..
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