Spelling and grammar?

Any topic relating to the FZR/YZF (UK) or motorcycling in general.

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Re: Spelling and grammar?

Post by ragedigital »

Sorry, but I'm not going to start playing "forum cop" with all of the punctuation and grammar issues that I come across by scolding board members. If the Site Directors want to punish people, then they will likely see a drop in participation and with the dwindling FZR population, that might not be the best choice going forward.

I will leave it up to them.

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Re: Spelling and grammar?

Post by ~JM~ »

DonTZ125 wrote:
~JM~ wrote:Spell check is your friend boy's & girl's.
Unfortunately, spell check does not prevent correctly spelled yet improperly selected words from being posted. Was that an ironic case in point, or a deliberate example?
What error did I make?

Believe it or not... I actually earned a D & an F once in English as I thought it was a dumb class. Now I have trouble with grammatical errors, but I make the effort to use spell check.

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Re: Spelling and grammar?

Post by DonTZ125 »

~JM~ wrote:
DonTZ125 wrote:
~JM~ wrote:Spell check is your friend boy's & girl's.
Unfortunately, spell check does not prevent correctly spelled yet improperly selected words from being posted. Was that an ironic case in point, or a deliberate example?
What error did I make?

Believe it or not... I actually earned a D & an F once in English as I thought it was a dumb class. Now I have trouble with grammatical errors, but I make the effort to use spell check.

"Spell check is your friend, boys and girls."

boy's, girl's - possessive; The boy's FZR piqued the girl's interest.

boys, girls - plural; Girls like boys who ride FZRs.
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Re: Spelling and grammar?

Post by Rooster »

ragedigital wrote:Sorry, but I'm not going to start playing "forum cop" with all of the punctuation and grammar issues that I come across by scolding board members. If the Site Directors want to punish people, then they will likely see a drop in participation and with the dwindling FZR population, that might not be the best choice going forward.

I will leave it up to them.


You have the right approach as we need to deal with this ourselves, I remember a post or two awhile back about adjusting the drive chain and I figure our fellow poster was from an asian country. I know he was trying his best to explain himself and that is the difference I believe between a language barrier and this counter culture illiterate foolishness. I know that we can have an effect on a few and chasing off these young guys who will write us off as jerks for attacking them (myself included) won't hear us unless we teach instead of attack. Those who will be taught will appreciate us and the rest are like um.. Whatever.
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