I was riding through a village (40mph zone) following a red car about 50 feet behind at 35mph.
The car overtakes a cyclist, the cyclist moves out a litte into the road as i go to overtake. I adjust my postion and move a bit further out. After passing i do a shoulder check to make sure i had cleared to cyclist as i move back in, then turning back im greeted with red lights as the car has now stopped!!!!
F*&K F*&K F*&K!!! bang, air, ground, OUCH!!!!

I'm lying in the middle of the road when to woman driver gets out of the car.
Her first statement was "I though you were going to overtake so i stopped!!!". WTF!!!

So there I am, passer by stops me from moving, police turn up, ambulance blah blah blah... trip to hospital, oooh marvelous!!
As i turns out she lived in a house adjacent but had passed the entrance to her drive and then subsequently (after the police let her go) she drove off to collect her daughter and took a right turn 100yards further down the road. she also claimes to have been indicating right but if thats the case she should have gone into her driveway before her overtake which leads me to think she started indicating to turn 100 yards later which is too early. Either way she braked for no real reason what so ever!
My qusetion is will i be found at fault because, ultimatly, i hit her?
Becuase i was riding accordingly, doing a saftey check as she slammed all on for what is an invalid manouver will she be at fault!
at 35mph the distance you can travel while even doing a shoulder check is considerable and at the time was a safe distance from the vehicle in front (untill she braked for no reason).
im worried i may loose no claimes bonus, have to pay an excess and more on future premiums.
anyone had a similar case on the off chance?