got my carbs fixed...finaly

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got my carbs fixed...finaly

Post by abs929cbrrr »

so i decided to tool on the bike some more. saturday morning i finaly got the bike running right. it souned like it was not running on all almost sounded like a ninja 250 and had no power. got new plugs, checked spark on all of them, screwed with the carb settings and when i started it i finaly heard the muscle rummber of a supersport exhaust. i took it out saturday night it moves, i mean it really moves. it made me so happy i decided to keep it again and tool on it more. i am very impressed with how great it handles now since the motor is running at full power. i still think i need to synce the carbs but that can wait until a later date, also my stumble around 8K rmps is totaly gone, it just all out power with no hickups now. the only thing i can compare this to now is an older gsxr 600 srad. it feels alot like one i think. 40K miles here i come! RRBike
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Re: got my carbs fixed...finaly

Post by yamaha_george »

abs600fzrr wrote:so i decided to tool on the bike some more. saturday morning i finaly got the bike running right. it souned like it was not running on all almost sounded like a ninja 250 and had no power. got new plugs, checked spark on all of them, screwed with the carb settings and when i started it i finaly heard the muscle rummber of a supersport exhaust. i took it out saturday night it moves, i mean it really moves. it made me so happy i decided to keep it again and tool on it more. i am very impressed with how great it handles now since the motor is running at full power. i still think i need to synce the carbs but that can wait until a later date, also my stumble around 8K rmps is totaly gone, it just all out power with no hickups now. the only thing i can compare this to now is an older gsxr 600 srad. it feels alot like one i think. 40K miles here i come! RRBike
I would tell you TOLD you so but I won't just go ride and make us all happier :-}
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Re: got my carbs fixed...finaly

Post by megaloxana »

Good to hear :bunny :banjoman :banana:
'92 FZR 600
Airtech R1 kit \*/ 520 conversion \*/ 14F-47R gearing
K&N pod filters \*/ Stage 3 jet kit \*/ Factory Pro shift kit \*/ Full V&H SS exhaust
Custom '02 R6 undertail \*/ YZF gas tank \*/ Raised via dogbones \*/ custom flush turnsignals
Full R6 brake set-up \*/ SS lines \*/ Progressive fork springs \*/ ZX2 coilpack

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