FS:- Kenny Roberts Proton 2002 race bike

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Re: FS:- Kenny Roberts Proton 2002 race bike

Post by yamaha_george »

apsolus wrote:oh i see my questions have been answered thanks, but ignorant? cmon man we cant all know everything! jk :nerd
Quite true I would say you are amongst the younger crowd here who have grown up with the 4 stroke bikes as opposed to the faster 2stroke designs of the devil, according to the tree huggers & Californians.

I am truly sorry that two strokes are no longer available to the young biker as they taught us well to become mechanics & in some cases scientists in search of speed. Alas my generation of mechanically inclined inquisitive minds is being lost by stupid "'elf & safety" & bloody lawyers,so that Bike & Car alterations become un economic for & by the average Joe. So the education standard drops in the fields that surround them.

When the backlash comes the skills will be lost for ever. Hence my very heavy input into the likes of our WIKI>
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Re: FS:- Kenny Roberts Proton 2002 race bike

Post by zero9243 »

I actually really like that bellypan
  • Barnett Clutch------------------------------------------R6 Blue Dots, Front Master Brake Cylinder+Reservoir
    WP Adjustable Rear Shock----------------------------Vortex 520 Conversion with RK GB520GXW Chain
    V&H Header (4-1)--------------------------------------Swingarm Spool Mounts
    Cobra F1r Exhaust Can--------------------------------R6 Voltage Regulator
    Flo-Commander with Remote-------------------------Custom Airtech Passenger Seat
    Stage 7 Jet kit with Diffuser Caps--------------------Factory Pro Nickel Emulsion Tubes
    Wiseco 630 Kit------------------------------------------Custom Frame Slider Mounts
    Modking Hydraulic Clutch Kit--------------------------Hella Projection Headlight with Xentec HID Kit (H9 Bulb)
    Modking Aluminum Radiator Overflow Bottle--------

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Re: FS:- Kenny Roberts Proton 2002 race bike

Post by DonTZ125 »

apsolus wrote:oh i see my questions have been answered thanks, but ignorant? cmon man we cant all know everything! jk :nerd
World English Dictionary
— n
lack of knowledge, information, or education; the state of being ignorant

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition
2009 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009
"Lack of knowledge" <> "stupidity". Like YG said, for a young fellow like yourself to be ignorant of the workings of 2-strokes is a sad statement about the world we live in, but not about you personally.
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Re: FS:- Kenny Roberts Proton 2002 race bike

Post by apsolus »

Well thanks tz I guess. Actually I'm not to lacking in the two stroke world, I've just never seen the two stroke race bike till just reciently. I've played around with a super/turbocharged 2stroke Detroit diesel before but it had your typical collector set up. Thanks for sharing your infident wisdom you old geezers :grinnod:
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Re: FS:- Kenny Roberts Proton 2002 race bike

Post by yamaha_george »

apsolus wrote:Well thanks tz I guess. Actually I'm not to lacking in the two stroke world, I've just never seen the two stroke race bike till just reciently. I've played around with a super/turbocharged 2stroke Detroit diesel before but it had your typical collector set up. Thanks for sharing your infident wisdom you old geezers :grinnod:
Hey with out us "ole fart" you guys would be skinning your knuckles a lot more.

I am glad you did not make the "old" comment on friday as old had a lot of meaning and that day never sees me in a good mood (yes it has been known to happen that I have a good mood LoL0
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Re: FS:- Kenny Roberts Proton 2002 race bike

Post by DonTZ125 »

apsolus wrote:Well thanks tz I guess. Actually I'm not to lacking in the two stroke world, I've just never seen the two stroke race bike till just reciently. I've played around with a super/turbocharged 2stroke Detroit diesel before but it had your typical collector set up. Thanks for sharing your infident wisdom you old geezers :grinnod:
Uni-flow diesels are quite different from loop-scavenged gasoline engines. With side-wall intake ports and poppet exhaust valves, the piston is actually incapable of moving gasses in and out of the cylinder; the 'supercharger' is actually a high-volume / low pressure Roots blower, used for start-up, idle, and cruising. The turbo is what gives it the extra power. These engines are used on everything from buses to APCs to the Cougar wheeled light tanks I used to rattle around in.

We're getting just a LITTLE off topic here... lol
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Re: FS:- Kenny Roberts Proton 2002 race bike

Post by apsolus »

LOL your a funny one YG.
damn tz you made me remeber all about that thing, yeah thats exactly what the instructor told me. he also said they were a piece of junk engine, WAY OFF TOPIC :hijack: always wanted to use this
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Re: FS:- Kenny Roberts Proton 2002 race bike

Post by cad600 »

yamaha_george wrote:I am truly sorry that two strokes are no longer available to the young biker as they taught us well to become mechanics & in some cases scientists in search of speed
This may not be the case. KTM has been working on a clean 2-stroke for a little while now that is to be used as a large size street engine. A few people have also been working on new 2 stroke marine engines that they say can easily be turned into street engines.
Yes, that is a Single Sided Swingarm FZR600 that I built.

Something is lurking, waiting, wanting to be built......It calls to me from the darkness....

I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel....Then I realize that it is the train coming to run my ass over....
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Re: FS:- Kenny Roberts Proton 2002 race bike

Post by yamaha_george »

cad600 wrote:
yamaha_george wrote:I am truly sorry that two strokes are no longer available to the young biker as they taught us well to become mechanics & in some cases scientists in search of speed
This may not be the case. KTM has been working on a clean 2-stroke for a little while now that is to be used as a large size street engine. A few people have also been working on new 2 stroke marine engines that they say can easily be turned into street engines.
I wish to heck " they" would get on with it ! I miss my 2 stroke simplicity, a complete fresh top end, squish band set up a couple hours tops! I could change engines in an hour without a bloody crane. Bikes with acentre stand that you could do almost any service job on. FZR yeh nice ride but a PITA to work on
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Re: FS:- Kenny Roberts Proton 2002 race bike

Post by Yamster »

yamaha_george wrote:I miss my 2 stroke simplicity, a complete fresh top end, squish band set up a couple hours tops! I could change engines in an hour without a bloody crane. Bikes with acentre stand that you could do almost any service job on. FZR yeh nice ride but a PITA to work on
Yes,there is a lot to be said for the old two smokes! Agreed
I would love someone to bring a new 250ish one out.
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