If you dont want your buckets to look like this-read on.
There is a timing mark on the cam shafts and it isn't the BIG HOLE on the front

The little hole on the top of the cam shaft is the one you want(pen).
Cannot believe that i did this,but hey,thats how it goes sometimes.
The end result was a broken bucket and 2 bent valves.Luckily i had spare ones so now it looks like this

Ended up lapping 6 valves in,after doing a water test on the head.So plenty learned about 4 stroke engines in the process.
I just wish i had listened to my friend(the mechanic)when he told me to loosen the 2 bolts on the cam wheel,but being a fool,thought i knew better.
So if any one is thinking of doing a valve check-be careful yall