First time to get pulled over on the bike

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First time to get pulled over on the bike

Post by ian »

Last week my speedo cable came loose and the drive cable inside went to gremlin land. So I immediately ordered a new one from bikebandit. It arrived today, but about 1 hr. too late.

I was coming home from the local shop going the speed of traffic, but my mind got sidetracked on something else and I didn't realize traffic slowing down. I see the cop coming at me from the opposite direction, and I slow down. But it was too late. I watched him do a u-turn and start following me. I turned off into an elementary school parking lot and turned the bike off and was courteous when he got out of the car. When he asked for license and insurance, I politely told him I needed to take off my helmet and gloves and he said it was fine. He took my license back to his car for a bout 5 min. then came back and said "mr. lemley, I'm gonna let you go with a warning, just slow down for me alright?" I said sure thing and then we were on our way.

The funny thing is, he was a DWG (Dalworthington Gardens) cop, and they are notorious for giving tickets for stupid or nonexistent infractions. 3 months ago my buddy got a ticket for 2 over. And yet he let me go. :cop: He was much more polite than the last time I got pulled over in arlington, and that was by arlington police who proceeded to cuss me out (I didn't report them because they gave me a warning).
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Re: First time to get pulled over on the bike

Post by old_school »

glad you got a warning! Most cops target bikers, it's a shame but an unfortunate reality.. In their defense, imagine how many squids they see in a summer..
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Re: First time to get pulled over on the bike

Post by 95FZR600 »

Thats the same way it went down for me. He was coming the opposite direction and I saw him do a U-turn and I knew it was my time to get pulled over. It was my first on a bike, except I knew the cop.
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Re: First time to get pulled over on the bike

Post by abs929cbrrr »

happened 4 times this year pulled over avout 10 time since owning my bike in 02. the main reason was for because the cops always saw me riding. this yeat i was pulled over at night and asked me if i was on probation...pulled over to ask me that for no reason at all. then the cops says hes seen me around town alot this year...

thankfully ill have a new style so they wont know its the guy on that black and yellow fzr anymore :shocker
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