Yeah, I wear an HJC for motocross, and i tell you it fits so perfect and is so comfortable. Of course helmets tend to stay in good shape when you take good care of them. I always wash the liner and cheek pads, because I sweat like crazy plus it gets loaded with dust and dirt. For $220 I couldn't ask for more.
Quote from article below:
That opportunity relates to the owner of the SparX brand, MK Sports Industries Inc., a U.S. company founded by the owners of KBC Helmets Inc. and the owners of what Kim asserts is the largest helmet manufacturer in China. Both are major players in the private label business in the United States. Although SparX is a separate entity, it has access to KBC's marketing, design and engineering prowess. Likewise, it benefits from economies of scale by being made at the Chinese partner's factory.
Kim tells me the Chinese partner prefers not to be named. But because of DOT regulations, anyone holding a SparX helmet can look inside it and see that the manufacturer is MHR in China's Guangdong province. MK Sports is a pairing of MHR and KBC. KBC makes the vast majority of its helmets in its four factories in Korea, China, Indonesia and Brazil. Select models, however, are sourced out to multiple third parties, MHR being one of them.
Kim says that because two large companies are behind them, they were able to create a "low-end helmet with high-end features."
So that's the answer. This is typical for asian business models. Typical for the way they run their companies (trust me, I've worked for the Koreans and the Chinese, nothing wrong with them generally speaking, they are very shrewd businessmen, probably not a whole lot different than the Gordon Gecko's of Wall Street. (although the ones I worked for in design & construction industry were very nice folks, they do tend to be work-a-holics and extremely demanding, many working 7 days a week, I guess a lot of that is just friggen raw greed)
If I remember correctly, Scorpion helmets are actually made in China but the headquarters is in California. This is probably similar.