Donations time of year

Any topic relating to the FZR/YZF (UK) or motorcycling in general.

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Donations time of year

Post by yamaha_george »

Guy & Gals
on May 7th it will be 2 years since the Boss opened this site for us.

His stated aim is " the site is for the people & run by the people" however in today's world nothing is free. This being a cold hard fact we ask once a year to put something in the collection bin so we stay open for another year.

I have always suggested that 12 dollars is a good figure to donate for the use of the site lets face it a dollar a month for the resources & people's knowledge to be kept available is silly money .

Where else for 3cents a day can you obtain such things?

Time to break open the Piggy Bank and donate towards the up keep of the site.

Thanks for every cent you put in, REMEMBER this is for you no one else here gets paid it is all Voluntary work even the sys op does it because he is a believer in what is being done here.

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