what up fellow fizzer freaks. it's been a hot minute since i posted on here. been really busy with work and mountain bike racing these fine days. so i thought i stop in and share a latest venture: setting a new record for a stock 400cc machine at the maxton mile. the old record is held by scott guthrie at 119.xx back in 1998ish. i have an experienced jockey who holds a few ama records to pilot my 400 (named "sucker punch") and i think it should be a piece of cake for him. he has a weight to power advantage over most all riders since he weighs in at 120 lbs.

so i had to convert the 400 back to bone stock -- change out the rear shock, steel brake lines, remove throttle lock, power adapter plug, etc.... also had the carbs cleaned at the shop where my jockey works and a quick dyno tuning done. we started with a 42.5 hp reading. after farting around with air/fuel mixtures and some parts that control those variables, we were showing consistent numbers in the 50hp range. changing out the old oil i had in there to a thinner repsol synthetic, they hope to get another hp or 2. not too bad for a 88 with 35k miles and no valve adjustments. so we shall see...
the jockey is also taking one of his bikes, hoping to break a 200mph record on his zx12 in the naked class. i'd like to see him come home with 2 records this time.

i know everyone here loves pictures and videos, so i'll post up i vid and a pic or two. nothing exciting, just some dyno work...
video of some dyno testing:

results from a run where the air/fuel ratio was off:

this was when we started getting the a/f mixture right: