looking for a fzr600 head complete with cams and cam caps
i have a used one but i think it is pretty well used up
if you have one thats in good usuable condition, please let me know
fzr600 head
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fzr600 head
07gsxr750 track(gone)
1989 fzr400
400/600 in the making
07gsxr750 track(gone)
1989 fzr400
400/600 in the making
Re: fzr600 head
I have my old one. Was a nice runner..only reason the head got switched out was to install a ported one with big cams.
Now, I haven't looked at/dealt with it in a while..something is saying one of the cams was damaged in a garage accident, will be gone from home til sunday...can let you know its' status then....It may have been one of teh other cams I have around....
Worst case, I have a complete head/valves/springs/matching caps..ONE cam
Now, I haven't looked at/dealt with it in a while..something is saying one of the cams was damaged in a garage accident, will be gone from home til sunday...can let you know its' status then....It may have been one of teh other cams I have around....
Worst case, I have a complete head/valves/springs/matching caps..ONE cam

“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”-Douglas Adams
“A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”-Douglas Adams
Re: fzr600 head
hey thanks for the response Mr razor
i was able to get ahold of a pretty nice one here locally so i am good to go
thanks again, cheers
i was able to get ahold of a pretty nice one here locally so i am good to go
thanks again, cheers
07gsxr750 track(gone)
1989 fzr400
400/600 in the making
07gsxr750 track(gone)
1989 fzr400
400/600 in the making