FZR400 subframe
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FZR400 subframe
Looking for a subframe for my 89 FZR400. It's the one with the shock mount on it. If you know where I might find one let me know. Thanks.
Re: FZR400 subframe
Might be usefull to clarify which 400 you´ve got...3BF/3FH? 3EN1 (Modelyear 1988) or 3EN2 (Modelyear 1989)?
Or even a first Generation 1WG (Modelyear 1986) or a 2TK (Modelyear 1987) with later registration?
The 3BF/3FH of each Modelyear seem to be equal and the First Generation 1WG should be a direct swappable due to the same Fairingshape, 2TK i don´t know if these have a one piece Rearfairing as the 3BF/3FH/1WG and 3EN1 + 3EN2 have a three pieces Rearfairing so that a swap might need some modifications to work due to other mountingpoints for teh fairing...
(Sorry for my perhaps a bit silly question,but "subframe" means the rearframe,doesn´t it? I´m no native english-speaker and actually i´m not sure if i´m right with my consideration or if the two piped which keep the Motor below the Main Frame were meant..
Edit: http://www.ebay.de/itm/Yamaha-FZR400-FZ ... 2070604266 <-Theres a Rearframe for a 3EN1 (declared as 1WG probably due to the fact that the Framenumber of 2TK,3EN1 and 3EN2 also start with 1WG but with different following Numbers, but due to the swingarm in the sellers shop its obviously coming from a 3EN1 as i think the FZR 400 Parts there all come from the same disassembled Bike)
Or even a first Generation 1WG (Modelyear 1986) or a 2TK (Modelyear 1987) with later registration?
The 3BF/3FH of each Modelyear seem to be equal and the First Generation 1WG should be a direct swappable due to the same Fairingshape, 2TK i don´t know if these have a one piece Rearfairing as the 3BF/3FH/1WG and 3EN1 + 3EN2 have a three pieces Rearfairing so that a swap might need some modifications to work due to other mountingpoints for teh fairing...
(Sorry for my perhaps a bit silly question,but "subframe" means the rearframe,doesn´t it? I´m no native english-speaker and actually i´m not sure if i´m right with my consideration or if the two piped which keep the Motor below the Main Frame were meant..

Edit: http://www.ebay.de/itm/Yamaha-FZR400-FZ ... 2070604266 <-Theres a Rearframe for a 3EN1 (declared as 1WG probably due to the fact that the Framenumber of 2TK,3EN1 and 3EN2 also start with 1WG but with different following Numbers, but due to the swingarm in the sellers shop its obviously coming from a 3EN1 as i think the FZR 400 Parts there all come from the same disassembled Bike)
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Want Pics? Then have a look at my galleries...different topics: Bike and Car restauration, exhibitions, Trackdays (no, not me on the Track until now), carneval in cologne, other things..

Re: FZR400 subframe
To be honest I never looked at the number on the frame until about 2 min ago. Ha ha. It is a 3BF but am told the 1WG ones will fit. I am indeed talking about the rear subframe the part that holds the seat up and in this case also the rear shock. All the ones on ebay I have come across do not have the shock mounts on them. I have been checking daily on ebay and know one will pop up sooner or later but I have been looking into making one as this is becoming a long process to find. It's just sitting in my living room as I build her up from my 600, R1 and R6 parts I have been saving up but I would like to have the suspension and body panels on so I have something to look at while I build. 

Re: FZR400 subframe
The Shock-Mounting Bolt is usually separate from the Rearframe:
http://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-fzr400-gene ... ml#results <-Frameschemativ of the 3BF where you can see the Rearframe itself (for better identification if theres one in the Bay)
http://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-fzr400-gene ... ml#results <-Schematic of the Rearschock including the upper Mountingbolt...
http://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-fzr400-gene ... ml#results <-Schematics of the Swingarm including the Relay for the lower Shockmounts....
With the Partnumbers it should be no Problem to get the Bolt etc. from your lcoal Yamaha-Dealer if still available...on the other hand the Partnumbers also help finding the parts in the bay
And yes, the first generation 1WG Subframe should be a 1:1 swap as the 3BF is just the US-Version of this first gen 1WG with only minor changes (less changes than the other 1WG based Models have)...original Bodypanels are really hard to find, but at least these Parts are available as aftermarket-rebuilds
http://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-fzr400-gene ... ml#results <-Frameschemativ of the 3BF where you can see the Rearframe itself (for better identification if theres one in the Bay)
http://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-fzr400-gene ... ml#results <-Schematic of the Rearschock including the upper Mountingbolt...
http://www.cmsnl.com/yamaha-fzr400-gene ... ml#results <-Schematics of the Swingarm including the Relay for the lower Shockmounts....
With the Partnumbers it should be no Problem to get the Bolt etc. from your lcoal Yamaha-Dealer if still available...on the other hand the Partnumbers also help finding the parts in the bay

And yes, the first generation 1WG Subframe should be a 1:1 swap as the 3BF is just the US-Version of this first gen 1WG with only minor changes (less changes than the other 1WG based Models have)...original Bodypanels are really hard to find, but at least these Parts are available as aftermarket-rebuilds

"The social dynamics of the net are a direct consequence of the fact that nobody has yet developed a Remote Strangulation Protocol." -- Larry Wall
Want Pics? Then have a look at my galleries...different topics: Bike and Car restauration, exhibitions, Trackdays (no, not me on the Track until now), carneval in cologne, other things..
Want Pics? Then have a look at my galleries...different topics: Bike and Car restauration, exhibitions, Trackdays (no, not me on the Track until now), carneval in cologne, other things..